Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I thought u used about a gallon so it aint too bad, i guess everybody else will confirm but i think the worst part is that you just wasted some of your lactos bro, i also did a stupid thing this morning, i switched off my main light and fan and kept the backup leds on for 10 minutes while cleaning my filters out then instead of switching my timer to auto i set it to on and left the lights on for an extra 3 hours, always paranoid that any such stress could just flip them all to hermie
I thought u used about a gallon so it aint too bad, i guess everybody else will confirm but i think the worst part is that you just wasted some of your lactos bro, i also did a stupid thing this morning, i switched off my main light and fan and kept the backup leds on for 10 minutes while cleaning my filters out then instead of switching my timer to auto i set it to on and left the lights on for an extra 3 hours, always paranoid that any such stress could just flip them all to hermie
The growing paranoia is real! I've been stressing all morning. I'm hoping I just wasted it too, nothing worse than messing up in the last two weeks.
I've done that before. Left my tent open to look at my ladies, started cooking dinner and didn't realize it was lights off and had been for almost two hours.
There is a way to use aquarium waste!! I'll have to dig around for a while. But I believe you use a lactobacillus serum in combination with the water to break down all of the nutrients in said water for your plants.

I'd be very interested in what you pull up. Most of my search results end up as soil vs aquaponics, rather than a symbiotic relationship. Or how to build tea brewers with aquarium parts rather than brewing tea with fish water. A few scattered discussion topics, but nothing very substantial.

Question about fabric pots. Would 10 gallon pots be adequately sized for a 1 month veg with the no-till method?
The growing paranoia is real! I've been stressing all morning. I'm hoping I just wasted it too, nothing worse than messing up in the last two weeks.
I've done that before. Left my tent open to look at my ladies, started cooking dinner and didn't realize it was lights off and had been for almost two hours.

The result would be interesting but from my perspective i dont think it can do any harm, you did add water after though right ? Lol hopefully they do just fine man, the extra 3 hours of light and heat were stressing me though, i should just go to bed earlier, sometimes i stay up studying till late and wake up like a total zombie trying to water and shit lol
Thank you bro, i havent tried the church yet, its my first indoor grow or lets say grow where im actually nurturing the plants, have you tried it bro >? Peace :leaf:

I grew The Church for years. Nice hybrid smoke. Not the most powerful smoke ever, but really nice. It had such a lovely floral smell to it that carried over to the taste 100%.

So I need some advice from those who really know their stuff on lactobacillus as a soil drench. I may have made a big error or I'm just paranoid because of my ignorance. In my rush this morning of trying to smoke, eat, and water my ladies I accidentally watered them with an undiluted lactobacillus serum.. Literally realized it as I got done watering. Did I mess up or did I just waste a bunch of lacto?

I think you'll be fine. It's just microorganisms, which to my knowledge can't be over-done. It would be similar to using an undiluted compost tea. Those microbes that you cultured are beneficial and indigenous to your area, so I can't see any harm in what you've done.
I'd be very interested in what you pull up. Most of my search results end up as soil vs aquaponics, rather than a symbiotic relationship. Or how to build tea brewers with aquarium parts rather than brewing tea with fish water. A few scattered discussion topics, but nothing very substantial.

Question about fabric pots. Would 10 gallon pots be adequately sized for a 1 month veg with the no-till method?

I did some more digging on this and, while its not what I was looking for, thought you might find it interesting - useful
I'm still looking for the specific thread that I found the suggestion of mixing the two together for a watering mix in. From what I remember the person claimed that mixing the two and letting it sit for a short period of a time helped to break down the nutrients in the aquarium water. But, I found this in a thread completely unrelated to that subject so I dunno if I'll find it. Though from what I've read, treating aquariums with lacto b is healthy for their ecosystem and allows more fish per gallon.
The result would be interesting but from my perspective i dont think it can do any harm, you did add water after though right ? Lol hopefully they do just fine man, the extra 3 hours of light and heat were stressing me though, i should just go to bed earlier, sometimes i stay up studying till late and wake up like a total zombie trying to water and shit lol
Oh yeah, I immediately watered until it was fully saturated and produced run off.
I feel ya. I sleep in some days and wake up in a panic trying to water my ladies and check temps.
I grew The Church for years. Nice hybrid smoke. Not the most powerful smoke ever, but really nice. It had such a lovely floral smell to it that carried over to the taste 100%.

Awesome man, definitely loving the smell and the calyx build up looks good and frosty, my other two strains are more sativa though way more hairy, nothing like the church though apparently this one is suppose to be a diesel. Respect :peace:

Awesome man, definitely loving the smell and the calyx build up looks good and frosty, my other two strains are more sativa though way more hairy, nothing like the church though apparently this one is suppose to be a diesel. Respect :peace:

That floral smell/taste you're referring to is something I've always loved when getting bud from someone else. Most people don't agree with me, but I love it. But I also love the earthy smells and tastes.
Were those spicey? The ones I make uses the same brine as a normal jar of pickles. Vinegar, salt, garlic, dill, etc.

not spicey. But tastey. There's this one small chain (3 restaurants) called great mex I go to. They got great salsa. Best shrimp tacos anywhere. They always have to pickle the carrots. They tend to go fast. Everyone eats them .
Hey guys, I've posted in this thread in the past thinking I was gonna start an organic run... Now I've finally come around to it.

But wanted to know what the point of using blumats is if I'm gonna constantly be watering with ACTs, SSTs and Nute teas when blumats can't water with said teas. I get that I can topdress with nute teas, but the other stuff makes it seem as if there's no point in using a blumats system... Am I offbase here?