Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

From master cootz at some point...couldn't find it online but it's written in my notebook...

Take a bundle of cilantro (organic of course), puree it, add to 1 gal h2o, let sit no more than 40 hrs, add 1 cup of this to 15 cups h2o = 1 gallon. add 1/4 cup aloe and 1tsp protekt - spray at lights out every 4 days for pests.

kk may have another recipe :) but this one should do the trick
Pest Control- CC
Grab a bunch of cilantro add it and some water to a blender. Make a slurry. Add to 1gal of water and allow to sit no longer than 48hrs. Add 1 cup 'tea' to 15 cups water = 1gal. Then add 1/4 cup aloe juice and 1tsp protekt. Spray the fuck out of em at lights off.
This is very similar to:
Coot- Cilantro Tea pg 61
For whoever is looking and is still sceptical

This is the revolution
No more bs and profit base notions that have depleted our lands and especially our mj gardens

No more bottles (for the most part)

No more products derived from the animal slaughtering

No more calmag hungry strains bollocks

Take the ride
Work with companion fungi n microbes
Enjoy lush green plants
Fast growing as if it was hydro
Taste the very finest sublime herb
Switch to life
It's all just about making things very easy for yourself.. From your local sources especially. Make a great compost and grow great pot. It's pretty straight forward.
Not sure if this video is redundant on this thread but this sums this thread up pretty much.

Yeah and those teas (ACT), well................

That's me back in high school actually.

Does anyone use biochar? I made some the other night for a top dress. It's still activating but it's not needed if you are using as a top dress to activate. I do it just to be safe. You apply like you would neem at 10%. Should be great for a slow release of the goods.
I used it on my current at 5% of my entire media volume
Didn't charge it first
Having some issues.. Some plants pretty yellow N hungry for sure. Had a light mix too, so...

Still having pretty good budding up at 4eeeks
Had the fastest veg this time, for what is related to biochar?

So not a pro here, just sharing my first steps with biochar and recycled soil

Have you bought a biochar or made it yourself?
Hello Folks,
I need HELP PLEASE..... My work has me doing 8 hrs (Just like everybody else) but my drive is 2 pluse hrs each way I want to do ROLS but I have nothing to start with can somebody give me some help with starting up I have wormcasting horse droping that are aged 3 bags of roots organics soil 3 bags I know I will need more I have 10 gal grow bags ect. But what else should I use to make my soil. THANKS for any help. GD2:lol:
That's me back in high school actually.

Does anyone use biochar? I made some the other night for a top dress. It's still activating but it's not needed if you are using as a top dress to activate. I do it just to be safe. You apply like you would neem at 10%. Should be great for a slow release of the goods.

I needed some extra aeration in my soil and Rrog suggested biochar so I made up a bit outta cowboy lump charcoal...its actually fun to smash the shit to bits with your feet/hammer... I soaked it with EWC and Alfalfa for 12 hours and mixed it damn good. Never considered using it for top dress but I may do so in the future.

My ladies are looking so good right now...almost 5 weeks into flower (pics soon). Wiped out most of the thrips with neem oil and a couple daddy longlegs that took up residence in the tent..I've actually got to see them catch a few and spin em up which was awesome. Gonna do a cilantro tea soon to get the rest of em out.
Sorry forgot rabbit droping and another ideal what do you think of adding cuttle bone (ground up) I have a friend that has a lot of birds and he buys it by the pound and and has a lot of little pices that he cann't use. GD2:blsmoke:
Can I use coconut water straight from a coconut or what ever? Or do you have to filter it or what not? I was just at the market down the street and they have coconuts there for a $1 each. I figure that could save some loot. Coconut water and powder cost more than buying bottled enzymes from the hydro shop in the long run.
Yep I think that's 1 x 14 water as from CC if I remember right? Someone else will chime in.
And of course if it's enzymes what you are after get into those SST
From the master:
Sprouted Seed Teas (SST) v2.0

Dr. Robert Faust (BioAg) has described Fulvic acid as a catalyst for catalysts as it assists in enzyme reactions

Enzymes are catalysts as we know so I began doing the weekly dose of Fulvic acid in conjunction with the SST application.

Give that one a try for a couple of weeks and see what you think about the results...

Bioag ful-power is def the only fulvic worth the game

Most of other products come from leonardite, which is a joke compared to the natural cold extraction process at bioag
The dry flower liquid gold comes also from an extraction process, yet there's heat and chemical involved so still the bioag is a superior product