Red Cherry Berry - 400w 3rd week flower

Abit late with journal as into 3rd week of flowering but Thought would share how my grow was going.. This is my second grow.. first grow I had ladyburn but had to abandon harvest 3 weeks early because of a run in with law on unrelated problem with ex girlfriend..

Strain - Feminzed Red cherry berry - 5 Plants
15 litre auto pots - Haven't utilized the auto watering feature as I am in the room every day so just water manual every 2 days or soo...
b&q compost
carbon filter setup with fan but no extraction as there is a hole into loft at top of grow cupboard..
Only problem ive had is about a 8 degrees Celsius temp diff between day and night temp which has prob caused much more stretch than I would have liked... bought a 450w oil heater which I will put in through the day once the frost weather kicks in soon...

5 seeds all germinated and put in to 15 litre pots straight away... no transplanting...
vegged 24hour light cycle under 250w hps... Topped all plants once at 3 weeks...
Put into 12/12 when plants were 12'' at 4 weeks under a 400w hps... took out the 250w...
Started feeding at first signs of nut def...
Feeding 7ml/litre of ionic bloom every other water...

PICS OF THE GIRLS... HOPE YOU LIKE THEM :joint: View attachment 1929036 View attachment 1929037


Well-Known Member
those look nice man.. i just got some red cherry berry in the mail. ive been having trouble germing seeds. i came up with something i think will work for me. i have some other seeds germing in it now but when they work ill get my rcb going.. subd +rep and watching..
those look nice man.. i just got some red cherry berry in the mail. ive been having trouble germing seeds. i came up with something i think will work for me. i have some other seeds germing in it now but when they work ill get my rcb going.. subd +rep and watching..
Thanks mate... I found they germed real easy.. I use the wet paper towel method on a plate with another plater on top and got all 5 seeds with tap roots within 48 hours...
Thanks Man.. I am getting impatient for them now... gonna give them there last feed next week and then flush them for 2 weeks... I read people flowered this strain for 10 weeks... looks like Ill have to invest in a magnifying glass to make sure
verry nice , them are some monster buds im jelous lol


Well-Known Member
trich color is over rated, you can tell when the bud is ready just by looking at the white hairs and the color of the bud.
no i do not but i am seriously contemplating starting one. theyre all wee tikes so perhaps ill start a journal around 2-3wks old
7th week now.. Flushed them all out with water today.. took them out the grow room and the buds all fell over! got them back in and propped them up against each other... Buds looking good and feeling dense... hope no problems arise in next 2 weeks :joint:
9th week now... Harvest time tommorow night!! 2 weeks of being flushed with just water and they have next to no nitrogen left in the plants... pics to follow..
They obviously look past there best now as I havent fed them for 2 weeks but the buds feel real dense and smell great... any guess's to what weight Iam gonna pull after dried? I will be happy if I get 5 Oz...

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