red dust on stems and leaves


I have a red dust that is all up my stems and on leaves. I looked at this in a 30x microscope and its microscopic worms. I have looked on forums asked local grow shop owners, and there is no response. Has anyone heard of this, let alone know of a remedy? In bud, it attacks from the lower areas and makes the buds hard and waxy with absolutely know crystallization.. Help please!!


I believe that I figured out that they are RUST MITES. These things are nasty and can only be seen under a microscope. When the conditions are right for them they will multiply beyond belief. Turning these microscopic worms into a red dust that you can visually see on your plants. In bloom they destroy the buds. Leaving you with moldy rotted buds. I from now on will always inspect my plants for these killers. Once you see the red dust the damage has been done, and depending on how far along it could be better to trash. Hope this helps some people in future, I dont think people really know much about these. Especially on "ours".