Red light in vegg?


Hi there friends.
Was just courius how 250w hps red light acts in vegg? Is it better then my white 125w CLF?

Kind regards!


Well-Known Member
Wrong. Plants in veg make little use of the red spectrum. You should be aiming for something in the 6K-7200K range. Best of luck.


Active Member
wrong plants in any cycle veg or bloom make use of all light spectrum, i use mh and hps in flower and veg room, i been growing years and is my only income!!
in reply to this thread , if both lights were same wattage i would deffo go for the blue cfl, but as they are not , the 250 hps will out perform the 125 cfl, even though its leaning toward the red spectrum, lumens output outdoes the colour thing, tried and tested!!


Active Member


Well-Known Member
i dont need to read anything i have been growing 15 years, you want to believe everything u read thats your look out, they write this stuff in order to promote grow stuff sales, my point is a valid fact im sure other pro's will support me on this , its not an argument but a proven fact , lumens before spectrum, fact
Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. Peace.:weed:


Okey guys. Didnt make me much wiser but lumen before spectrum sounds about right... I will try and next time I will do reverse, i´ll start calculate! :)



Well-Known Member
Okey guys. Didnt make me much wiser
Well Iskall

I would say that at least you learned that some folks will defend what works for em without being willing to accept other concepts or change.

Which makes you wiser as the more you see it the easier it is to identify and stear clear of it

I have read lots of post in breeders forums where the breeders test lights and all they talk about is the PAR and SPD of the lights (never lumens)

Lumens are used as a NooB guide because it works to get folks growing without having to research the reality, which can be very deep and hard to understand for some.

Remember we are trying to create the best possible conditions for our plants so with that in mind a mixed spectrum is best as it more closely matches the sun

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Well Iskall

I would say that at least you learned that some folks will defend what works for em without being willing to accept other concepts or change.

Which makes you wiser as the more you see it the easier it is to identify and stear clear of it

I have read lots of post in breeders forums where the breeders test lights and all they talk about is the PAR and SPD of the lights (never lumens)

Lumens are used as a NooB guide because it works to get folks growing without having to research the reality, which can be very deep and hard to understand for some.

Remember we are trying to create the best possible conditions for our plants so with that in mind a mixed spectrum is best as it more closely matches the sun

hope that helps
Well said.

It also seems strange that his own words are contradictory. If lumens>spectrum, then why do people use MH lights for vegging? Pretty simple concept to understand if you ask me. There's nothing wrong with the tried and true, but when it keeps you from ever trying, or even looking into new techniques or technologies, then it is actually a bad thing. I'm tempted to try the 10K bulbs, but since they're only supposed to be used for the last week of flowering, it seems like a lot of money to spend for such a small amount of time. Maybe somebody will buy them as Christmas presents?