Red Stem on a 1-2 week old plant

Its only about 2 days over a week old and rather small. It already has 4 leaves though but, the entire length of the stem is red and has small hairs is this a problem? or good?


Well-Known Member
Its fine. Stems are tons of different colors until they start to really spit out leaves. That's when the stem starts to turn green. Just be patient. And those hairs are cells.

Mr. Optimo

Check the P.. What nutes are you using? what your n p k?.. if your plants are shorter, with small leaves, and lots of purple stems, brown spots?. might be phosphorus defficient.

Try flushing for a day or two, then add your nutes so the numbers are equal.. like 10-10-10. ph accordingly and they should correct themselves.
No nute theres only 1-2 weeks old. But, the bag of soil said 15-20-15 its miracle gro

Also, dumb question what is flushing? and how is it done? how often is it done?


Well-Known Member
Check the P.. What nutes are you using? what your n p k?.. if your plants are shorter, with small leaves, and lots of purple stems, brown spots?. might be phosphorus defficient.

Try flushing for a day or two, then add your nutes so the numbers are equal.. like 10-10-10. ph accordingly and they should correct themselves.
If you have to go through all this when your sprouts are only two
weeks old, start over, and doublecheck
your grow method, you may have missed, or
did something wrong to doom her from the start.
You should never have a nutrient problem with
2 week old sprouts.


Well-Known Member
red stems at any point during growth are normal.

certain strains show more red than others.

it doesnt mean its gonna be killer, or shitty

good luck man