Red Stems Curving Down


i've searched and searched but can't seem to figure out my problem. the fan leaves seem to come in nicely but do this after about a week. anyone have any ideas for me? growing in hempy cups, gh 3 part + calimagic, ro water, ph 6.0-6.2, t5 light, temps good, humidity good.



Active Member
either overwater or not enough light. you got holes in the bottom of those cups? also remember that your medium holds a ton of moisture. how often do you water? what kind of lights and how far away?


using 100% perlite. they do not hold much water. i give them just a squirt daily with a baster just for the first week after transplanting until the roots get established. after that i water every 2-3 days (when they are extremely light) until nutes flow out of the hole. they were pretty dry when this pic was taken.


Active Member
i thought for soil you'd want 6.5 ph , and ro' ing the water does that not take away the heavier minerals ? (maybe thats whats wrong)


Active Member
purple and red stems and fan leafs.. i always thought that meant they were cold.. and the oldest fan llleafs on mature plants stems gor purpley to, correct me if im wrong... As for the drooping.. Id go with the above answers...


Active Member
Red stems you say? I believe my book I had awhile ago mentioned that as being a Magnesium deficiency. Please, experienced growers correct me if I'm wrong.


Active Member
The older fan leafs generally turn purpley, i dont know why.. I dont think that is anything to worry about, if the sems purpley, that means its cold.. I could be wrong though


Active Member
If it's overwatered, it will hang low like that and the leaves will point down/tips will bend downward. Another thing, my partner's plant recently had leaves that were pointing down. I looked at his soil and it was looking pretty dry. Stuck my finger down about an inch and it came up dry. Watered it, and the leaves regained their strength in the next 45 minutes - hour.


i'm not thinking its a water issue. the leaves aren't drooping. the stems of the fan leaves are growing in a downward curve.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
i thought purple stems indicated a phosphorous problem, whether it be deficient or locked out. it isn't always the case but most likely so.