Red Wave 2022

Because they affect our republican stunt on Twitter? Another crazy billionaire, better be careful he'll end up like Kanye and have to start wearing the chain on the outside again (SNL Dave Chapelle).

i quit listening to Chappelle a while back...he quit trying to be funny and started trying to make people laugh at shit they don't want to laugh at, to justify his attitudes. he just makes me cringe now...
Sans the red wave, the big announcement could be the tuna melt is back on the Mar a lago menu.
Garland is coming for him, and he is sweating, he's not running for anything, he's running from the law. His "announcement" will be about as effective as a sheet of wet toilet paper in stopping a bullet. The pocket self-pardon he pulls out with the sharpie ink still wet won't help him either! :lol:
Sans the red wave, the big announcement could be the tuna melt is back on the Mar a lago menu.
i'm not exactly sure how it works, but i'm betting that his decision to run/not run is entirely financial...
if he runs, the RNC quits covering his legal bills. there are no restrictions on what trump does with his pac money, until he declares.
but...that money can't be used for a new campaign. he's have to start collecting again, and frankly, he's already bled his stupider supporters white, and the big money people wouldn't give him a dime after all of his fuckups and stupidity.
i'm not exactly sure how it works, but i'm betting that his decision to run/not run is entirely financial...
if he runs, the RNC quits covering his legal bills. there are no restrictions on what trump does with his pac money, until he declares.
but...that money can't be used for a new campaign. he's have to start collecting again, and frankly, he's already bled his stupider supporters white, and the big money people wouldn't give him a dime after all of his fuckups and stupidity.
It sounds like you’re thinking the tuna melt will be the big announcement too.
It sounds like you’re thinking the tuna melt will be the big announcement too.
well, he seems fucked either way...but i can't see him cutting himself off from 100 Million that he had to do nothing for, except ask idiots to give it to him. Especially since there is very little chance of him every having that kind of success again, after the republicans themselves are blaming him for fucking up their "red wave"...
i quit listening to Chappelle a while back...he quit trying to be funny and started trying to make people laugh at shit they don't want to laugh at, to justify his attitudes. he just makes me cringe now...
He’s an asshat imho. I used to live very close to him in Ohio. People who’ve dealt with him said he was a good guy.
He’s been wearing one helluva mask. Closest town is Yellow Springs. Known for hippies and gay community. The people there want him gone.
i quit listening to Chappelle a while back...he quit trying to be funny and started trying to make people laugh at shit they don't want to laugh at, to justify his attitudes. he just makes me cringe now...

I have mixed feelings, I tend to think comedy should be out there in the uncomfortable space talking about uncomfortable things, and Chapelle was awesome at that. His jokes started to fall flat though and he never really came back from that weird freak out he had when he ran away from his show.

You can say quite a bit of offensive shit if it's funny. It doesn't come across as being shitty. I do think the public has gotten overly sensitive about what comedians say and what topics are taboo...but given that fine better come correct and really nail the joke. He cant seem to do that anymore. As always, people are free to say what they want...but we are free to not like what someone says and not want to buy their crappy jokes.

Maybe your jokes just suck now Dave. Perhaps you have been riding your fame from 2002 and haven't really put out anything decent in a long time but still exist like you have, kinda like kanye. It's not cancel culture for people to just not like your stuff. I'm not canceling Adam Sandler when I don't watch the 4 straight to Netflix movies he puts out a year, and I loved Billy Madison.
President Joe Rob can hang ten with any of them.

I think it will be by 20K votes or more, does it trigger a recount? She will whine and she will bitch, nobody will pay any attention to her, take it to court and tell it to a judge, then come back to the press after they decide and whine and bitch about them. Trump will help with your stop the steal fund raising, 90% to him and 10% to you, same deal as Herschel.