Redesigning my grow rooms.. Any advice?

Currently I've got a 16x8 foot grow room built in my garage. I'm wanting to build a second room, so I can have separate Veg and Flower rooms, but the dimensions of my garage are 18x20. I need less than 1/2 of it for the washer/dryer and small storage. I was thinking about doing (2) 8x12ft rooms. Where the 12 and 8 foot parts will equal 20 ft and fit snug. One room will face North/South and the other East/West. Should I down size the veg room to make the flowering room larger? Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Is this a soil grow? What size pots do you use for veg and for flower. How many do you want in each? I think the flower room should be larger, how much larger?


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, need more info. What type of grow, how long is your veg, how many watts, SCROG or no SCROG, day and night time temperatures.... etc etc etc.

My veg room is about half the size or less of my flower room. In start with one light over 16 plants then add more lights as they grow. I'm scrogging so I train them early and I am DWC so they grow FAST. By the end of the month I have them under 4 600's. I cull the 4 weakest plants then put them in the flower room under 12 600's. one or two more weeks of veg and then the flip.


Well-Known Member
Definitely make the flowering room larger. I made that mistake and am waiting until I have a chance to remove the dividing wall and reframe the area.