Redeyedfrogs Aussie outdoor 2018 grow

Be true to your word and your work and your true friends, Put least trust in someone close who is foremost to praise you.
@rubyfruit and @Lucky Luke you are now banned from my grow blog, Yeah I reported you for trying to ruin my blog and I'm not ashamed to admit it, keep the drama at the aussie page where it belongs. By the way its the first time I reported anything ever but you guys want to blame others like namely me and venus but I know now there are those on your circle that are good at reporting one another, that made me laugh at the parasitic predatory slimy stuff you guys do there, keep it off my page!
Beautiful my G! Question - I am growing my first outdoor grow at the moment, and didnt know about training and loli popping etc. I did however top my plant so its got like 8 stems that come from the base of the trunk. Which has resulted in a christmas tree like shape which i know is not ideal, as i have found out - that buds need sunlight to develop. So i know the branches on the outside will develop massive buds, but the inside is gonna lack.

I have read about defoliation, i.e. removing some sugar leaves to provide more light to the buds on the insides, what do you recommend? I tried my best to wire the branches outwards so more light could get in but its not so effective. Just before flowering i removed the branches and buds on the inside of the canopy to provide light and air movement, but further up it is a problem. None the less learning as i go
Beautiful my G! Question - I am growing my first outdoor grow at the moment, and didnt know about training and loli popping etc. I did however top my plant so its got like 8 stems that come from the base of the trunk. Which has resulted in a christmas tree like shape which i know is not ideal, as i have found out - that buds need sunlight to develop. So i know the branches on the outside will develop massive buds, but the inside is gonna lack.

I have read about defoliation, i.e. removing some sugar leaves to provide more light to the buds on the insides, what do you recommend? I tried my best to wire the branches outwards so more light could get in but its not so effective. Just before flowering i removed the branches and buds on the inside of the canopy to provide light and air movement, but further up it is a problem. None the less learning as i go
hey just strategically remove leaves but be careful not to remove too many, its good for 2 things air circulation and bud development on lower branches. the airflow will help prevent bud rot and if you allow light to lower branches bigger buds below!!! again be careful your fan leaves are like solar panels absorbing energy for photosynthesis which is what it's all about so it's better to do less than more. you can always go back later and pick a few here and there but just look for bud sights that are not getting light and take a few fan leaves and that'll do. happy growing!
So, here we are 2 weeks from my next harvest on my mk ultra and holy grail everything is going beautifully, still a few mites about but so close to harvest and cooler weather I'm chilled about it. I just whack them with green cleaner (if you dont know about green cleaner look it up :) ) once a week and it knocks them right down without the taste of soap or oils and all I care about is they don't establish a fucking massive colony I'm happy to give up a few leaves to the survivors it wont hurt my harvest at all did my last spray a week ago. Had a couple broken branches totally my fault I didn't support them but was able to fix it up no issues. So here we is 4 weeks from now and nothing will be left to grow but this season I've learned more than any season no I've learned more this year than the last six combined so I'm gonna walk away happy and planning on hardcore no till organic for next year try to get it all in my pots this autumn or winter get a cover crop and in late winter add my organic matter this years organic was last minute shit but holy crap it actually works better than anything I've ever tried. the only things out of a bottle were fish emulsion seaweed, eco amino, seamungus, neem oil, guano all 100 percent organic products.
They look fantastic bloke.. fuck id be sleeping next to them in a sleeping bag , and a Taser ready to go..
it is what it is, I'm in a pretty decent neighborhood most of em neighbors are older no kids around no alleyway behind just houses all the way round so they gotta jump 2 fences or my 7 ft gates avoid the cameras and spotlights and staffie to get to my girls lol!
Great Not a miniature is it.. I had a lil girl, white with black spots was a mini, she was so much fun.. she stripped my bell pepper plant down to the stem in full fruit . Lil bugga:fire: