

Well-Known Member
okay, i just realized, im not gonna be using a carbon filter to filter out my small grow closet (2 plants). So heres my problem, across the street is a police officer who has a dog, like the k9 patrol ones, now my problem is, will it find me out :|

the windown is facing the opposite side of the house hes on though, and its only 2 plants, plus i smoke in my room all the timeee



Well-Known Member
The fact that he is a cop makes no difference....why can't u use a carbon filter? need to get one and also...treat everyone like a cop...that's my two cents. but I hope for you his dog is retarded....crossed fingers bro


Active Member
idt hes going to get a warrant to search your house so ur probably clear but it cant hurt to get some sort of odor neutralizer


Well-Known Member
check the grow faq there is a tutorial on how to make your own carbon filter.. I wouldnt test it with any neighbor but with a cop I defiantly wouldn't play around..


Well-Known Member
most K9's are not sniffer dogs... sniffer dogs are way more expensive than attack dogs so they are much rarer... they also tend to be cuter rather than ferocious.... think beagle, not german shepherd ;)


Well-Known Member
DONT risk it ... its not worth getting barred .. yo cheap ass better be gettin a filter


Well-Known Member
As already mentioned, not all K-9s are trained to sniff for drugs, and they wont until they are told to. Yes the dog may smell it already, but is ignoring it. Is the cop cool? Hell get to know him, never know when you might need him. And I dont mean ask him if he smokes, just talk to him when ever you see him.


Well-Known Member
get some sort of filter...or odor obsorbing gels or something. Most cops don't live their lives doing there job. Do you do work when your at home?....probably not. But get a filter or something, even if your neighbor isn't a cop you should have something!


Well-Known Member
My history with Cop neighbors is that they don't like to be Cops at home. Nevertheless invest in a filter.


Well-Known Member
kk well i would, but i have to go buy my light today, and im not using any vents, im just leaving my closet door open, with tones of fans shooting the air out/in.


Well-Known Member
btw, its only 2 plants, 3 maybe in the future.

is there anyway to get a carbon filter on just a fann? help me out, im mad broke, and i deff cant hook up and vents.


Well-Known Member
I know you keep saying it's only 2, maybe three plants...doesn't matter, they will stink. You may not notice it much, but others will.....there is a reason for carbon, just like there is a reason for lights :mrgreen:

Peace - OGH