Reel's Closet (Speedy Seedz)


Well-Known Member
I am going to be growing a few different things concurrently from now on. Therefore I am discontinuing my old journals and consolidating all the info into one journal. That doesn't mean you will miss out on anything. I am going to post all updates for the Lemon Skunk and Sour Diesel threads in here from now on. Besides those two strains I am also going to be adding Querkle and LSD to the mix.

Before I get started does anyone have any advice on how I could improve from my previous Journals' format or should I just keep doing it the way I have been? As with all my journals feel free to comment, criticize and/or encourage.

Thanks, updates soon. :bigjoint:

Teaser :-P


Well-Known Member
That's good stuff too, congrats.

Ok so for anybody that isn't familiar with my closet here's some pics, and a diagram for my plan. It should be self-explanatory, ask if anything isn't.



Active Member
Very nice + rep is there a reason for two flowering areas or just taking advantage of space?


Well-Known Member
Very nice + rep is there a reason for two flowering areas or just taking advantage of space?
Sorry, meant to reply earlier, must have closed the tab before submitting my reply.

Anyways, yeah I am trying to maximize for space and I am hoping to have some small plants up there finishing between the big harvests. Once my 430W bulb comes in it'll free up the 3 150s so I can try a few different configurations. Hopefully my 190CFm fan can manage all that heat.


Well-Known Member
in time for front row seating? im so here and tuned in reelzy! Enjoying the hell out of your illustration and setup. im so excited for this, that is so awesome you recycled your 150 and threw it into veg, ive never seen a 150w hps in veg, it should be awesome! great bro!


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, glad to have you onboard. The sketch has yet to be actually implemented though. I have the 400W ballast and the reflector, still waiting on the bulb and cord set. I guess that's what you gotta deal with if you wanna save some bucks on ebay. It's cool though, not sweating it. I think the 150 will do nicely coupled with a couple of 27w daylight cfls. Just hoping it don't get too hot in there.

I am not too happy about this grow right now, in fact I don't feel compelled to even take pics of the plants, they all look like poo to me. Maybe I am just too critical but I think I fucked up my mix by adding too much perlite and I repotted the Sour D. too late. I did pop a Querkle and that seedling came up nice, but the freebie White Russian female seed Speedy gave me didn't make it.

I am just chillen out, having some beers and smoking some ok bud. So maybe I'll end up snaping some pics anyways.


Well-Known Member
are you running exhaust in the new veg room? i gotta see that querkel, we can compare our babies!


Well-Known Member
Don't want to post pics? Why the girls so sad mate? Hope things look up I'm, tuned in the for long haul.


Well-Known Member
I'm in on this one. I think you'll like it better Reel, having all your updates in one place - saved me a headache or three. lol


Well-Known Member
I'm in on this one. I think you'll like it better Reel, having all your updates in one place - saved me a headache or three. lol
Maybe I should do the same, I made the mistake of making a journal for each strain I'm growing, that would be 6 if I kept up on it all.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
are you running exhaust in the new veg room? i gotta see that querkel, we can compare our babies!
I exhaust from the veg room into the flower room and outside from there. Mine just popped out of the soil today man.

Don't want to post pics? Why the girls so sad mate? Hope things look up I'm, tuned in the for long haul.
Pics are uploading right now, just wasn't too enthusiastic on their overall vigor this time around.

I'm in on this one. I think you'll like it better Reel, having all your updates in one place - saved me a headache or three. lol
Yeah, I hear ya should be much easier.

Maybe I should do the same, I made the mistake of making a journal for each strain I'm growing, that would be 6 if I kept up on it all.:mrgreen:
Ouch dude. I was starting to get annoyed with doing 2, def wasn't gonna make a third one to go along with the others.

Pics are almost done uploading.


Active Member
Nice man...girls are looking good..5 more weeks for my ls..counting down the days

Oh and thanks for the big thumbnails I browse with my iPhone and it's so much faster with them big thumbnails


Well-Known Member
Aw, heck, Reelzy.. they all look pretty good. The lemon skunks may look a little scrunchy and yellowy -- any chance they're a little overwatered? Dunno... just the way the pic's strike me. Never grown lemon skunk; maybe that's just how they roll early on.

I'll keep a chair pulled up - lemon skunk is on my short list for the next grow. I may give the Speedy folks a try along with it. I haven't heard a bad word from anyone and, while I've seen some slightly lower prices elsewhere, I really like their overall collection of strains + decent prices, all in one place, plus the positive rep.


Well-Known Member
The seedlings do look over watered, but I am being extremely cautious not to do that so I dunno man. All I know is that there was lots of necrosis on the lower leafs and I had to cut it off. I am not using any nutes so it's not nute burn or splashed fert water.. I am thinking that the medium is just to fluffy and doesn't have enough organic matter to properly buffer. This problem seems to be apparent in all of the Lemon Skunk so maybe it just likes the ph to be different but I don't mess with that stuff.

Can't Go wrong ordering from Speedy, he has never steered me wrong yet. I would always recommend him over some of the other guys.