Reel's Sour Diesel Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
damn bro, the way you talk makes me wanna toke so bad! since i got my job back i havent smoke in like 3 mo! just gotta past this drug test for life insurance! gotta protect the family. but soon we'll be in the same mind state, im so jealous!


Well-Known Member
That sucks man, reading back I was definitely feeling nice last nigh, eh. Not so much tonight though, gonna transplant the 5 little ones and I got no beers. :/


Well-Known Member
I cut her the last one down today, had to make room for the next generation and she was real close anyway.
I left the bottom intact cause she's going back in veg tonight.



Well-Known Member
hope you had some beers tonight! i hate not having any, but wanting it! HA. great looking harvest shots! she's gonna be a good one! do you do the whole plant upside down dry method?


Well-Known Member
No beers tonight :/ Yeah, I got the whole thing hanging upside down now. Last time I broke it up and dried individual buds in a box, but I think they might be drying too fast. I am hoping to slow the drying down with the extra moisture in the stems this time.


Well-Known Member
i heard the whole plant will give it a more savory taste, but i guess you'll tell us soon! im gonna do the box method, first harvest tomorrow! wish me luck! im gonna cut a square in the box, and stick a fan for exhaust, air out. does that sound good?


Well-Known Member
I don't see why not as long as you're pulling the air out of it, but it'll also pull the smell with if that matters to you. I don't think you really need it with a small crop, the box alone should absorb a lot of the moisture, plus you're gonna open it up to scope it out once in a while. Good luck man, can't wait to your pics.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if your humidity is on the lower end, like below 40-50, you really don't need a fan. Most of my stuff dried in boxes, left open to breathe in closets, in about 3-4 days. A fan would only speed this up and that's not what your really going for. Now if you have high humidity and are trying to avoid mold, I can totally understand using a little circulation.


Well-Known Member

The second gen girls went into 3.1gal containers and the last one is back in the veg box for regeneration. I also took some last minute clones just in case something bad happens. I also moved another 150W light in there, so it's 450W total now. Not bad for an area of 2'x4' for 8 plants (6 SD + 2 LS)


Well-Known Member
cant wait for your second round to blow up, ill be here for the long haul! just posted some harvest pics, enjoy!


Well-Known Member

Thanks man, always glad to have you onboard brother. Your harvest and chick both look mighty fine, rock on dude.
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Well-Known Member
thanks a lot dude, you rock! congrats on the 150w addition btw, i cant wait for you to take it to a whole notha level!


Well-Known Member

Well this didn't work out so it's up to this lil guy to save it now.

These girls are doing excellent, loving the new soil and lights. Every one of them is praying.


Well-Known Member

These last too are really out of focus, but I think they would make cool wallpapers, especially if you can't have pot leaves on your screen at work LOL.



Well-Known Member
oh please pull through little reveg buddy! im praying for that little guy! beautiful nugs bro, and the ladies look great with the new light!


Well-Known Member
Too early to smoke, gotta go in a jar now, but yeah I'll definitely keep ya'll updated.

I am hoping too, Drella. Just in case I took those last min clones, so we'll see.


Well-Known Member
is it dumb to cut clones the same day you throw into bloom? i waited like 3 days last time for them to show new growth, but they're so ready!


Well-Known Member
I meant I took the clones off the one I just cut down. So they are fully flowering clones LOL. No clue if it'll work, just an experiment. The current set of girls are random clones off the 3 previous gen girls so no telling which one will turn out how.. I am really not too worried about them. I got 4 Lemon Skunk growing and some Querkle on the way. I am actually kinda disappointed in the quality of this "Sour Diesel" I think there is a possibility my cousin might have been lying when he told me what it was. :/

BTW: I think the first day of bloom after switching lights to 12/12 should still be OK to take clones.


Well-Known Member
thanks bro! i hope ur cousin wasnt lying! well see if ur querkel is legit, or maybe mines was bunk! HA! i think the fact is a plant is what you do with it! i guess you want a reliable geneage supply too, if you can!