it is legal to be sold as dried ornimental poppies. it only becomes illigal one you crush the pods into poppy straw. or if they can proveyou have knowledge or intent to use them for drug use. there are several kinds poppy pods, they do not advertise them as Papaver somniferum, i think thats when it becomes illigal. there are many loop holes.
they say the seeds are legal but how does won get the seeds without planting the pods? they are grown all over arizona for thier seeds for use in begals, and these seeds are from Papaver somniferum and can actully get you hi also.
also in the above section (17) it says "whether produced directly or indirectly by extraction from substances of vegetable origin"
so it clear says by extraction not possesion of the pods themselves.
(22) mentions the word "production" wich is a word not even used in the above sections (17) (19) & (20) so would not pretain to those sections. as 17 clearly states produced directly or indirectly by extraction from substances of vegetable origin
but now that I think about it maybe you are right. i find it strange that fresh pods of Papaver somniferum would be illigal to sell so why would it be cool to sell dried ones? unless fresh ones are cool too?
also isnt is still legal to grow Papaver somniferum for the seeds in your back yard? im pretty sure it is. as long as its not used for drug perposes.
clearly it would be a tough prosecution if you are only useing them for personal use rather than profit.
thanks for the informative post.