

Well-Known Member
i'm currently growing one Seedsman White Widow seed cuz the other one didnt make it out the dirt for some reason. I'm growing under one daylight cfl with a reflective hood about 3" from the plant. it's been three days and it's about 4" tall or something like that growing beautiful. it's in a light blue tote box that looks it came from winn dixie or something with 2 computer fans (intake/exhaust) but i had to get something reflective in there and my budget is low so i couldnt get the mylar i wanted so i hesitated to put aluminum foil cuz all the bad things i heard of it but i needed something in there so now im regreting putting in and am looking for another alternative which brings me to white paint or poster board but my main concern is while i need to do that where can i put the plant without it going into shock or anything? i would like to paint but the fumes would fuck up the plant im pretty sure so give me an idea?? i actually made to speaker grow boxes today and i think i just might put it in one of those in the meantime BUT those have aluminum foil too. HELP!


Well-Known Member
One cfl, three days, 4" tall.


Is that a tiny set of two leaves on a spindly 4" tall stalk? That's a bad sign not a good one if that's the case.

Put the plant anywhere that's the same or similar temperatures as it's already used to, with a light over it. As in most anywhere indoors.

Just for the record cfl's don't gain much from reflection anyway, and your one plant with one light doesn't care one bit, it's getting 99% of it's light direct from the bulb and even after you mylar or paint it'll still get 99% of it's light directly from the bulb and not reflected. CFL's just simply don't have the deep penetration that gives it enough power to bounce off a wall and back and still still be of much use.

No I'm not saying don't paint ever, I'm only saying it will make zero difference at this time until there are more bulbs to reflect and more leaves to pick up reflected light to a darker undercanopy.


Well-Known Member
yea it's a tall stalk with 4 leaves only but it looks healthy just tall and i can see its starting to grow more in the middle, ill take a picture so you guys can see. i actually think it'a shorter than 4" it might be like 3 or something but i'll just take some pics.


Well-Known Member
you need to add more lights much more than you need reflection. for one plant you need at least 100 watts of fluorescent light.


Well-Known Member
well i repotted to a bigger pot cuz the roots were already touching the drain rocks at the bottom and watered it with around 5.5 to 6 ph (stupid color tester liquid kit, it sux!) and i also added one more cfl in there. The plant also grew the leves bigger already and im pretty sure it got a little taller cuz it looked a little closer to the light but lets see what difference it makes.