reflective insulation


Well-Known Member
Used the search didn't get enough information. I have just setup my growroom. Iam using new moving blankets to block sound transfer and light leakage. They are blue, so I knew I had to find something to reflect the light to the plants. I found rolls of the reflective insulation. For those nor familiar, it is bubblewrap over foil. I thought of a few more ideas but my mind keep going back to the insulation. I found it on e-bay for $10. 14 shipping. It is about to arrive but now feel maybe it is a mistake and really freaking out as I always do before a grow. I will have excess and was going to line the ceiling to help with heat transfer? OK let me have it:spew:


Active Member
I used it in a grow room about ten years ago it seemed to work fine could be more reflective but it is rigid enough to secure easily that is why I used it.


Well-Known Member
Yea when i was in my first flowering room, i had it on the walls and it held to much heat in. Once i took it down and just painted the walls white the temps dropped about 8degress. And that was with a 250w in a cooltube. I would just hang up some white plastic.


Well-Known Member
Don't stress dude, Freaking out is not the way to go. Just believe in yourself and go with it. You will learn from it in the end. It works for me.



Well-Known Member
I use the black and white mylar. Its thick enough to work with, and clean etc... Plus Blocks the light real well. I wouldn't use anything to insulated for heat issues, unless of course its really cold where you are. Ok