reflective material?


Active Member
So I think I heard something about wrapping paper being a good reflective material? I'm thinking the white side of the gift wrapping paper? Does anyone know for sure?


Well-Known Member
ehhh, I duno about that but, i'm pretty sure tin foil works and painting the walls a certain white.


Well-Known Member
Do not use tin foil.. it will create hot spots on ur plants. (experience) you can use the reflective stuff off the car winshield blockers or you can use wrapping paper the ones that use mylar. ( the tin foil looking stuff) or research in panda skin.. i think its called


Active Member
Yea i have tried lookin for mylar at walmart and home depot but no luck there. Would they have panda film at any of those two? I saw the car reflectors but those are somewhat thick material and i have to pay more money for not that much, as appose to as much as i would get in a roll or something. Should I just order it from the ENET?


Well-Known Member
Don't remember seeing panda film at those two places - I bought online. I've also seen it called "black and white poly"