Regenerating Cannabis Plant

My plant is about to be ready for harvest in a week or two and I'm trying to reveg the plant after I harvest it. Do I leave the buds on a few bottom stems or should I remove them? Can someone explain the process of revegging?
My plant is about to be ready for harvest in a week or two and I'm trying to reveg the plant after I harvest it. Do I leave the buds on a few bottom stems or should I remove them? Can someone explain the process of revegging?
Leave a few buds on the lowers leaves and all put plant under 24 hrs of light, it can take over 2 months sometimes it’ll look crazy weird then get to normal growing some plants reveg good some don’t good luck
The better your light the faster it will reveg. Leave the lower stems on the plant and drop your light as close as you can to it. I feel like cutting clones the day you switch to 12/12 is the best if you are confined to space and lighting. It’s easier to train a plant for two months during flower cycle than it is to reveg it. You’re going to have to reveg that thing and clone it. Adds a lot of downtime
I tried cloning it after I switched to 12/12 but the clone didn't survive. My plant is not that big as I am confined to space. My plant is right now is about a foot and it is about to be harvested. I guess the clone that I took was too small. I didn't think that would matter though. I didn't use a rooting compound or anything and I put it directly in soil. Next time I clone though, I'm going to use honey. I heard honey works better than clonex.