Reggae blends fraud!

Yes, I have and even registered on this forum to let you know that you are not alone in this one. I had been doing business with the owner (Dean) for about six months successfully with increasingly larger orders of his incense products each time. My largest had been about $2000 in USD and he shipped it without issue, but then I placed another, smaller order for approximately $1100 USD and have NOT heard back from him at all. My payments have been bank transfers, so I'm basically shit out of luck on getting my money back. Hopefully Paypal can provide you some assistance on the issue. I'd really love to hear if you have any luck getting a response from Reggae Blends, as I've attempted multiple times and have not received any sort of response, not even an excuse.

Doing a Google search found me this thread, so hopefully others will find this and not make the same mistake we did. I also hope your mistake was much less costly than mine, as it was quite painful to lose a large sum of money on this and disappoint my own customers. Very, very unhappy about the situation overall.


Well-Known Member
This is the first time I've heard about this seedbank. I checked them out and their selection is limited. The site looks good and trusting with all payment accepted.

Myself.. the highest order I've placed was 120 dollars worth of seeds and I got lots of freebies with it. I think that the maximum amount you should buy for seeds is 200 max! Anything over that is not worth it in my opinion unless you are really sure on what you want. Easier to order in small batches... lot more chance on getting what you want.

I feel bad for Supression. Thats shitload of money that you lost. I cant believe that you got a 2k order then put in another 1k and lost it. I mean their selection is really limited.. you are better off going to the Boo or Attitude for exotic kinds. My opinion is that both of them do have legit seeds. BOO is number one for authentic seeds, Atttiude comes second because of some fakes on their website but mostly authentic seeds. :joint:
I never bought seeds, so I can't speak for that portion of his business. I was an herbal blend / incense reseller, so that's why the large volumes I mentioned. And yeah, I placed probably 6-8 orders with him successfully. I'm genuinely surprised he would pick that $1100 order in particular to take the money and run. I've been doing more and more research, but not getting anywhere. Can't tell if he got arrested, injured somehow, or just decided to bail with some money.

I appreciate the suggestions, but what I ultimately need is a company that can reliably provide Spice blends and Afghan Black. If you know of any of those, please let me know! =)


Well-Known Member
This is the first time I've heard about this seedbank. I checked them out and their selection is limited. The site looks good and trusting with all payment accepted.

Myself.. the highest order I've placed was 120 dollars worth of seeds and I got lots of freebies with it. I think that the maximum amount you should buy for seeds is 200 max! Anything over that is not worth it in my opinion unless you are really sure on what you want. Easier to order in small batches... lot more chance on getting what you want.

I feel bad for Supression. Thats shitload of money that you lost. I cant believe that you got a 2k order then put in another 1k and lost it. I mean their selection is really limited.. you are better off going to the Boo or Attitude for exotic kinds. My opinion is that both of them do have legit seeds. BOO is number one for authentic seeds, Atttiude comes second because of some fakes on their website but mostly authentic seeds. :joint:
ive never heard of the Tude sendin fake seeds except that 1 time wit dj short but it wasnt ther fault and they made up for it out of ther own pocket. they send ther seeds in breeders pack so i really dont c them tryin to scam u out of a few bucks by swtching out the seeds


Well-Known Member
This Dean Hamblett is on Facebook fuckin BRAGGIN about ripping people off...un-fucking-believable!
Seriously, I cant believe this guy. I only put in for 50euro, but believe me that is a lot of money for me right now.
I put in a claim with Paypal, should be getting a response today. Will let you guys know how it went.
He's got a lot of balls posting his picture & braging about being a thief. I'm sure someone will punch him in the face soon enough!
I doubt the bragging profile is the real Dean Hamblett. There is another one on Facebook with the same picture that is listed as being friends with other Hambletts in the UK area. Do a search for "Jamie Hamblett" and then look at his list of friends to find what I suspect is the real Dean's account.

Not a big distinction to make, I know, but I've spoken with the guy quite a bit in my past dealings and even small things like the grammar don't match up. His emails were as well written as what I'm posting here - if not more so.

The actual contact information, however, is correct. That Porcupine Lodge address is one place I know he's done business from.

Also, I just reported the site to the hosting provider. He is still hosting the site in the UK, where JWH-018 has been made illegal. is the company if anyone else is interested in doing the same.
He just updated the items on his site. Definitely still alive and well, I guess. Anybody have any luck hearing from him or is he just making the scam more current?
I also got ripped off by this guy recently. I googled reggae blends to see if it happened to others and this thread came up. Made payment via bank transfer and never heard from him again. I really hope this fucker gets what he deserves + much more ^^.


I have ordered spice diamond spirit 3g and paid by credit card 5 days ago. Nothing they have sent so far and the order is still pending while money has been taken already. I have sent them two emails to ask information without getting an answer. I suggest you all to avoid this site.


they take money from your credit card and the day after they cancell your order so your money disappear and you don't know who has taken
Well, here's an update for those who are intrested. I decided to let Solbank know about this fraud and a week ago I received this email:

Dear ,
We have been made aware this week that there has been an accusation of "fraud" made to our banking partner Sol Bank. I have been looking into your account and can see no outstanding orders or any reason for such an accusation. Your last order :
# Order Date May 6, 2010 12:39:46 AM

Was dispatched on the 11th May 2010 according to our systen. I also see that you have been a customer of ours before and therefor should be aware that we operate a friendly and moraly ethical company with almost 1000 customer accounts. We receive almost no complaints and consider ourselves very well liked and respected. Fraud is certainly something that we do not condone nor commit.
We must also remind you that it is against our terms and conditons which are agreed to upon ordering, to involve 3rd parties in any dispute that you may have with Reggae Blends. Reggae Blends are always available to be contacted at either or the and our staff are always happy to help.
If you could please reply detailing the dispute that you have to one of our email addresses listed above, we will be happy to resolve any issues that we can.
Kind regards,
The Reggae Team

I replied asking for proof of postage and tracking number, but it seems he does not feel like answering again. What a joke this guy is...


Well-Known Member
business practices like this really grate my nerves. i mean sure, a company can always claim "you didn't get it because of customs" but with all these negative reviews, i doubt they are telling the truth.
that email doesn't even seem like proof. it looks like a random pasted date to me.
i hope that you all get your order issues resolved :(
i also hope these bad reviews do so damage to their business.
to everyone, there are plenty of reputable seed banks out there to avoid dealing with shmucks like this.
How this guy is getting away with this I don't know. One would expect Paypal/Visa etc to cancel his accounts, I for one will be asking them that question.

I paid him July 1st & have sent a dozen emails since but have had no reply or product, it still shows processing ?? They have been there (no doubt ripping off others) & I know this as they updated their site.

I hope this guy gets whats coming to him, I do believe what goes around comes around so hopefully he will get banged up & then he will be the one taken for a ride !!!! if you get my meaning, even that would be to good for him in my opinion.

good luck to anyone dealing with this guy, all I can say is don't expect anything for your money as you wont get it.

I note he claims his team are always available to help well if so why cant they do their job & reply to emails & send out goods.