Well-Known Member
I actually had some crackhead steal my dog last summer from my yard..
fucking druggie bastards..
luckily I called the cops and the spca and they put out a A.P.B. over the radio similar to an amber alert..
Sure enough I kept on the phone with SPCA dispatch and sure enough the drivers spotted some crack head walking a dog with no collar or leash that fit my dogs description and asked him.. is that your dog..
The fucking crackhead took off running through some yards, my dog was like fuck that i'm not running with you, or letting these assholes catch me..
SPCA Dispatch gave me some cross streets over the phone to where these gus were trying to catch my dog and luckily I was able to quickly drive there and yell his name.
He looked at me and I seen true fear in his eyes and then it was pure happiness as he noticed it was actually me there jumped right into my vehicle..
I shoulda drove off Immediately, but I'm a nice guy and I wanted to thank the guys for there efforts.
One of the fucking spca douchebags then gave me a $165 dollar no leash or collar fine..
I told him what happened he said he knew, but it was SPCA policy..
Bottom line is I got my boy back that day and I was the happiest father in the world..
I hope everything works out for you reggae.
Thats crazy bro, glad to hear you got him back!! Hopefully reggae is just as lucky!