whats this timer u speak of lol.. i dono n e thing about aero cloners but i just assumed they ran 24hours>??
REGGAE! hope u get those bitches under control! haha.. bad joke lol.. but i have a question, hope u get to it... how do you control the RH in ur grow room, a big room mayb different.. in a small room like say my new to come 3'x3' tent my understanding would be just to spray the plants a little every now and then with some water.. other words i have no idea how you change the humidity. im growing in a basement and its pretty dry down here.. it only gets humid after ive watered.. and that can really only get up to like 40% tops. any suggestions?? again this is why im buying grow tents, will be so much easier to control each environment & sperately.
I hope you get pics of the Lab Work. Good to hear.thanks for stopping by, but im buzy in the lab for the next few hrs...
Sorry....It's stinkbud and not Al B. Fuct.
He runs a timer set at 1 minute on and 5 minutes off, not seconds,LOL.
This is the timer he uses:
Al uses E&F and does a harvest evewry 2 weeks and Stinkbud uses aero and harvests every 3 weeks.
Leave a pan (or any container with a wide open surface area) full of water in the grow area. The heat will make it evaporate slowly, and increase the humidity in the room.
oh ok fair enough, didnt think it was useful really on the seconds there.. but ya that would give them more oxygen thats kool.. and thats one of the things ive bin wondering about is timers for a flood and drain system ive bin looking into.. cuz the normal light timers u can't dial in on/off so often. thanx man.
whats up med? my pump is a 500gph and it kicks ass next water change i will take a pic of the jets in action just for you... and sorry i dont getthe ? what do you meen by woody??What is the gph on your areocloner? also, what type of water do you use? Do you have any advice on keeping your mom plants from becomeing woody.
hey thanks for the milk tip thats going in the quick tips book for future fefference... your the man for that daniels...I had a PM fuck with me this spring. I sprayed them with Milk water at 10% str. I seemed to work. I built a Sulfur Burner, DIY style too. You seem to have it covered but if you want I'll get you how I did the DIY.
haha yea bro im gonna whoop that damm powder right outa my room... thanks for the vote of confidence bro, good to hear someone believes in me...get that humidity in check first.. kill the spores in the room and you know the rest. . . I was wondering why you never see fish with pm? now i know. Since you used oil hold off on the sulphur burn for a month. ah, hell you know what ur do'n.. sulfur burner diy is pretty sick though. good info danielsgb. that 9:1 water milk spray is great also. REPP'n for good info.
yea the most expensive thing is the pump, but if your doing a bucket you could get away with a super small one for about $20, $10 for timer, and another $10 for misc stuff ie. bucket pvc and jets... most of which you probably have lying around...Good luck with those kids bro. They are some good plants so it would be a shame to have to shit can them.
With the cloner, I'm going to do a bubble cloner right now but had been thinking of building an aero cloner for about 6 months now too so I'm def interested in then info on your buddy's. The main reason I hadn't built an aero cloner yet is the price of the timers that are meant for aero but it sounds like I could set it up like you have yours with a timer I already have.
no worries bro im so glad to have you here now... and yes years of playing around with different systems and configurations b4 i got to what you see now... so yes!!! i sure hope this next harvest treats me well...wow, man im sad i didnt get in on this from the start. RR ur grow room looks like you spent quite a bit of time before u just jumped into it, just wow. I hope everything goes well ill be following from now!
hey those are some pimp ass timers there they cost about $80 i use them for my f&d tables but for my cloner i just use a cheepy 15min increment timer...Sorry....It's stinkbud and not Al B. Fuct.
He runs a timer set at 1 minute on and 5 minutes off, not seconds,LOL.
This is the timer he uses:
Al uses E&F and does a harvest evewry 2 weeks and Stinkbud uses aero and harvests every 3 weeks.
for sure bro pics of progress late tonight or tomorrow after the whole job is done...I hope you get pics of the Lab Work. Good to hear.
WOW rene i always liked you but now that you actually posed on my thread i think i love you!!!!What's up reggae man haven't got to read the whole thread yet but I like what I see! As promised sub'd![]()
haha giggs your so awesome... and yo man you were in great hands with all the good advise these guys gave you...woop woop!! i like ppl like reggae, they give you something to look forward to lol. every buddy give REGGAE +rep.
woop woop!! i like ppl like reggae, they give you something to look forward to lol. every buddy give REGGAE +rep.
No hurry on the pics. I can wait since I have the bubble cloner now.
I don't know wtf is wrong with me today but that pump is rated at a 6' head and not 3'. It's a 396gph pump.
ahhh!! right on Rasta! glad to have you back on board... and just in time for my build progress...idk wat happened i thought i subbd to this thread...well im 're-subbd' now lol
haha! did i hear hook? makes me want to go fishing right now...definately. I'm hooked