Reggie and Dro


Well-Known Member
Urca's going to take you up on your offer and fight you! haha that would be awesome. I wouldn't want to fight Urca though, she seems like she can get mean.
lol funny thing is, he's pretty nice to me, we're friends, I just didnt know he was coming here, but its not like Im gonna kickit with him or anything.

I can get mean, but... he's a cool kid, idk why he's been acting like this the last few days


Well-Known Member
lol funny thing is, he's pretty nice to me, we're friends, I just didnt know he was coming here, but its not like Im gonna kickit with him or anything.

I can get mean, but... he's a cool kid, idk why he's been acting like this the last few days
I hadn't seen him act like it in the past, that I can remember. He's not making friends fast with a lot of his posts the last week or so. Especially with the hating on white people shit.


Well-Known Member
Seriously?? Wow. Weird, other day we were on Skype and he just disappeared, now he's acting like this...


Well-Known Member
Seriously?? Wow. Weird, other day we were on Skype and he just disappeared, now he's acting like this...
Might be going through some shit in his life? Not sure, I know when I'm in a shitty mood I can get pretty dickish. The racism is definitely NOT called for.


Well-Known Member
damn wtf, look how nice cops are to white people,when i got stopped i did not have no gun no nothing,law abiding citizen n they did me bad,ripped my seats.
i cant wait until i finish school,ima shit on all those white ppl.
that's the one I remember most recently. I'd have to find the others.

edit: you can click the little icon next to his name on the quote and it takes you to that thread post.


Well-Known Member
wow........ he's changed.. or been hacked
I doubt he's been hacked, he gets really upset when someone makes fun of his honda lol. Unless they're trying hard to act like him. We might have a conspiracy on our hands!


Well-Known Member
I hadn't seen him act like it in the past, that I can remember. He's not making friends fast with a lot of his posts the last week or so. Especially with the hating on white people shit.
Not hating on white people, beacuse im proud of what i am and wouldnt trade it for anything else, i just said real talk homie, white ppl get it easy and thats not being racist its being real.


Well-Known Member
1. The 'reggie' is the stuff being grown IN mass... in large fields.... the crop is hardly tended to, or fed... males grow and seed the females... lowering the quality...

Then when they chop it they dry it in a big pile in the sun, and brick it, and send it to you.

Thats why the quality is bad. Thats why it smokes like shit, and doesn't get you very high. It lacks the tender love and care of US grown sensi. (seedless 100% female nuggets)

2. It probably makes you feel bad because it lacks the good medicinal cannabinoids... like CBN/CBD.... most probably because the plants weren't grown to their full potental, they weren't cured, and the chemical makeup is very bland.... A good "medicinal" quality of herb will have a good range of cannabinoids with varying amounts. For instance if your stomach hurt and you smoked a good indica chop full of CBN you would probably feel better. But the reggie lacks the medicinal qualities and gives you that 'dunk' fucked up feeling
....when good sensi crop is chopped, slowly dried, and cured for weeks and weeks it becomes smooth, intense, full bodied.... in both the highs and the smoke... when your in a rush to make money, the quality gets lowered substantially!

3. It could be a number of things, like a sativa dominant strain grown well would produce an uppity head high.

4. No. It costs more to 'lace' weed than it does to just sell it normally :?

ps: I wouldn't keep calling it "dro" around here if you don't want to be made fun of by the old head pot heads around here :)

Dro means Hydroponic... at least it should..... and it makes people sound like 15 when they hype their shit as 'dro'... there are many different ways to grow... it's easier to discern it from the strain rather than growing method.... aero, hydro, organic, soil, outs, ins... etc.... :eyesmoke:

Have fun man.... to everyone else, lay off on the dude... we all started somewhere.

Well i dont care if people make fun of me,cuz everybody in my city calls it dro and in all my state,and in florida, in new mexico and in cali. Like it might be a nickname for yall or whatever but i tink its stupid talking shit to a guy who calls cannabis "dro" and over 50,000 ppl call it. SO OLD POT HEADS,WHAT SHOULD I CALL IT THEN,WHAT IS THE CORRECT TERM SMART ASSES. HM TELL ME PLZ

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Well i dont care if people make fun of me,cuz everybody in my city calls it dro and in all my state,and in florida, in new mexico and in cali. Like it might be a nickname for yall or whatever but i tink its stupid talking shit to a guy who calls cannabis "dro" and over 50,000 ppl call it. SO OLD POT HEADS,WHAT SHOULD I CALL IT THEN,WHAT IS THE CORRECT TERM SMART ASSES. HM TELL ME PLZ

I gave you all that information and that's what you took from it?

Call it whatever you want. I was just giving you a friendly heads up...... from what i've seen here, people WILL try to call you out for incorrect terms :?

As long as you understand that your 'dro' was probably grown in soil..... unless you actually know the dude growing it, or you yourself are growing it :?

i call my weed by strain name given to me, or medicine... buds... cannabis ;) I just don't call it aero, or dro, or ebb&flow... or soiless medium...or coco...or hempy bucket bud... you get the picture ;)