regular commercial weed


Active Member

Been lurking for a little while, figured I'd register now and get some newbie-ish tips from those who know...

Most articles I read about growing generally seem to be focused on growing skunk-type weed really... is there any useful information out there specifically on growing regular commercial weed (i.e the non-stinky, sticks-and-seeds variety.. :P)..? Would I be correct in saying certain things like sexing, etc don't really matter..? What about topping, etc..?

I'm quite keen on growing regular weed really... less suspicious smells, etc.. plus I can still get other work done while smoking! Anyway, would appreciate any tips/advice I can get.. tia.


Well-Known Member
it depends what strain u try an grow. some will smell more than others, some will be more sticky that others. it really depends on the strain. and where do u think sticks and seeds come from? a plant... so any1 could grow any kind of plant and still have sticks and seeds etc in a bag of weed u get from a dealer.

of course sexing matters! only females produce the bud u want.

diff strains have diff kinds of smell and different strengths!

and if ur on about working whilst smoking weed then u want a sativa plant or how ever its spelt.

u wanna look on the grow FAQ at the top of the page. that will tell u everything u need to know.


Well-Known Member
Regular weed (regs) is low quality weed because most are from major grows where the males are left in with the females and the plants are not grown for quality but quantity ...I would not waste my time on growing shitty weed I'd get hold of the best seeds I could and Hope I get girls ...


Well-Known Member
I dunno Vette,that kola I posted a while back was just a bagseed and it would rip your freaking head off,lots of leaves though whole lot of leaves.:leaf:


Active Member
Ah ok, interesting to hear some thoughts on the subject...

I've looked at the growfaq btw, which is certainly full of great info, but didn't really find the question covered anywhere there. I'm not sure if my question was totally clear btw... I was referring to growing the old-skool type of weed (i.e NOT a 'skunk' variety). I was under the impression that sexing wasnt as important really, as this weed is generally known/accepted to have seeds in it. Still, the point about female potency does seem to ring true though even if the males do produce comparable weed... Large scale growing that favours quantity over quality makes some sense too, given the the price of weed (compared to skunk) is a fair bit cheaper.

Anyways, cheers for your input, appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Ah ok, interesting to hear some thoughts on the subject...

I've looked at the growfaq btw, which is certainly full of great info, but didn't really find the question covered anywhere there. I'm not sure if my question was totally clear btw... I was referring to growing the old-skool type of weed (i.e NOT a 'skunk' variety). I was under the impression that sexing wasnt as important really, as this weed is generally known/accepted to have seeds in it. Still, the point about female potency does seem to ring true though even if the males do produce comparable weed... Large scale growing that favours quantity over quality makes some sense too, given the the price of weed (compared to skunk) is a fair bit cheaper.

Anyways, cheers for your input, appreciated.

No problem.... really bottom line is I guess.. "you get out of it what you put into it "


Well-Known Member
unless your doing a gorilla grow where you want be going back until you harvest then why would keep the males that are not good for anything except making seeds in your buds. If you what to work while you smoke, then just smoke less of the good weed don't try to intentionally make crappy weed.


Active Member
Again, I'm still not sure that some of you understand the type of weed I'm referring to, i.e its NOT a skunk variety, nor strong smelling, etc. All the seeds being sold, all the articles on growing weed, all the fantastic photos of plants growing posted here.... are of skunk varieties.

Its not "crappy weed", its just not skunk! You know how some old jamaicans/caribbean folk refuse to smoke skunk but do smoke weed..? THAT's the stuff I'm talking about...

To be honest, I'm a bit surprised i'm even having to explain it.. but in my 10+ years of smoking/handling cannabis, I've almost never come across this particular type of weed which didn't have seeds in it... its just how it is. If it didn't have any seeds, then its usually called 'Cess' which is stronger (but still definitely not skunk-like).

I dunno... maybe its not commonly known in other parts of the world maybe..? Skunk is definitely the far more widespread and popular form of cannabis these days really, for obvious reasons.

That said, I'm sure that removing male plants would certainly lead to a better smoke of course, regardless of the type of cannabis grown. I'm just curious as to why this type of weed is traditionally known for having seeds really... hence my initial assumption that sexing wasn't as essential for non-skunk cannabis.

Finally, to be clear, I prefer smoking skunk too... but there are often times/situations where you want to smoke something but not just a cigarette, and skunk would attract far too much attention... :)
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Active Member
Yep, I do know what sensi is... You do understand that that's not what I referring to tho, right..?

I.e you can have skunk without seeds (i.e the best way, most skunk consumed doesn't have seeds), and you can have skunk with seeds (i.e crap quality, generally not really seen often.. if you're lucky anyway).....

.. and then, you have regular old-skool non-skunk weed, generally not smoked/bought/sold as much these days, but which 99.9% of the time has seeds in it.

I dunno, perhaps I should just shut up about it really :) Certainly, I can understand why there is less interest in smoking it these days with the prevalance of potent skunk varieties around... and I can definitely see why very few people would even bother growing it if they can grow more potent/valuable crops for the same amount of effort really. Slightly surprised that most people don't seem to know quite what I'm referring to though...

Thanks for taking the time though anyway, I certainly have lots to learn about growing weed generally and this does seem like the place to learn!


Well-Known Member
bag seed can be any type its can be the best weed in the world but its not grown properly and as said b4 the males are kept and there not handeled carefully some times pressed so take your bag seed grow it and you could get great stuff believe me i only grow bag seed

theres no such thing as shitty weed just weed that has not been taken care of : )