Regular dirt from outside???

I fell short on soil. I got the fox farms, but one plant is in the Regular dirt from outside and it is doing the best of 6. So I guess it would be were your location is. They say that pine forest soil PH is too high, but I see it working just fine. Like I said it is the one growing the fastest and best right now.
I have a 5x5 monster in my backyard i just dug up the dirt it was really bad with alot of rocks in it. I added ash, peaches, worms and egg shells. Just make sure you dig a big hole and just add whatever u can to the dirt to help it out. Ill post a picture of it when i get to a computer
best to test it in a lab. easier to add soil amendments, like peat, perlite and too many other things i won't go into. cannabis likes moist, fertile, well drained soil. is your soil dark? does it stick together in a clump when you sqeeze it into a ball or does it crumble in your hand? is it red? (iron) if you are bringing it inside amend it to be safe. it's probably not porous enough. unless you're lucky enough to have an old leaf pile to draw from or alot of composted manure. you make the newbie mistake of thinking soil is DIRT. it isn't. it is diverse, alive, fertile and teaming with life and the minerals/elements cannabis needs for photosynthesis and making leaves, stems and the best part flowers.
this is offtopic but i think i remember like 2 months ago wasnt there a post about you getting caught growing, if it was you howd u ever make out there?
grown from backyard dirt from seed
