Regular seeds question

Is it? Still days of work to collect the seeds.. don't like that idea.. Yeah, I was thinking about feminized, but I'll have so many seeds just from pollinating a few buds, open pollination wil results in thousands of seeds and I won't grow them all in my lifetime (and won't vape it all either haha). So I think I'll go with the lottery and just be happy with whatever I end up with..

Probably depend more on me than the genetics I'd say, even if I strike gold I probably couldn't tell as a noob.
Yes it is. I mostly breed now so except for survey tables I'm running seeded tables. Best of luck on your first one.
PS Seeded weed smokes just fine (after you clean the seeds, no difference in potency just a reduction in yield)
dare I add to this and say sometimes it's even better seeded (after you remove the seeds) because you let the plant fully, fully mature and then some before harvesting to ensure seeds are mature (at least that's what I do)
dare I add to this and say sometimes it's even better seeded (after you remove the seeds) because you let the plant fully, fully mature and then some before harvesting to ensure seeds are mature (at least that's what I do)
You could well be right on that point. I am usually very slow to harvest like right now I should be killing three Space Queen but I want to get my Koolatron running first. So I'm usually in the OK you have to cut them before they just die on their own time line
I always wet trim......
Depends on the season with me i wet trim more in winter and dry in summer its more of a pain in the arse to do dry imo but if the temps are up it helps to leave more leaf on it for longer to slow the dry down a lil so it aint drying too fast but if given the option i prefer doing it wet too its way easier
Depends on the season with me i wet trim more in winter and dry in summer its more of a pain in the arse to do dry imo but if the temps are up it helps to leave more leaf on it for longer to slow the dry down a lil so it aint drying too fast but if given the option i prefer doing it wet too its way easier
I'm in the desert so it's really dry here. It drives so damn fast here if I don't wet trim in a few hours it's a lot harder to do.
Hi all, noob question; as I don't know anybody who happens to grows their own, so I decided to buy some seeds. I purchased 10x Northern Lights from sensi, regular seeds, as I would like to make seeds for myself as they where pretty expensive.

However, found out only later you can turn a female into a male for pollen.. and wondered if I could have just purchased feminized seeds, turn female into a male for pollen and produce seeds that way.

Warm regards from the Netherlands.
I would definitely not start messing with reversing females at this point in your grow adventures. I would also not mess around with an open pollination. I know folks say seeded bud is just as good but I disagree. I find you get a lot of seed husk and such in there which makes it a much less pleasant experience. I would just start by getting good at growing your plants and move up from there.

Now if you really want to make some seeds due to the cost of the pack, I would personally suggest you make a cross with some pollen provided by another grower. Just dust a couple lower branches with it and in the end, collect your seeds while the rest of you smoke will be seed free. Well, you might get a couple random seeds depending on how careful you are with the pollen but it certainly won't be like an open pollination. I still got a pile of BOG Blue Kush and BOG Blue Moon Rocks pollen from my last 2 runs if it's a road you want to go down while minimizing the seeding of your garden. :peace:
No I'm not interested in breeding, I would just like to preserve the strain and create viable seeds with the same traits. Thanks for the info!
Don't be discouraged if what you get, isn't at all what you expected, though.
There'll likely be a lot of variation.
If what you buy is called "Fruity Cakes" don't expect the Fruity Cakes to follow through in the seed.
But, you'll likely still get some nice plants.
And, grow your own seeds several or more times before making next generation seed.
That way you've had time to grow some out, you'll have an idea of which characteristics you like to hunt for.
So I think I'll go with the lottery and just be happy with whatever I end up with..
That's the spirit!
Chuck some pollen, have fun with it.
just mix each male with any female that happens to grow.. and just have a few seeds from each.. call it a day and be happy.
Good luck! :razz:

Way to go in your limited space.
Keep as many plants as you can for good diversity in the seed.
Open pollination.

If you get more seeds than you planned for that's good too.
More time before needing more.
And, more seeds means you can afford to sprout more.
Giving you more plants to choose from.
You still have room in your limited space for some amount of plant selection when making seeds, clones etc.
Even something simple as discarding the weak and keeping the strong.
You have some wriggle room.
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Just do like in do i have seed plant's just for seed's small 5ft in pot's .That way you don't have seed whole plant. Or stick male in brown bag and just do 2 branches on bottom . When ready take plant's just above two branches leave til seed's are ready. Work's every time. Dixie
Ah really.. bummer.. bought them already.. so there is no way back. Thought the amount of money justified the carefully kept traits.. but I guess I paid 90% for the name. A well, lesson learn. Just received a reply from Sensi too that it can't be traced back to a specific number.. and I just mix each male with any female that happens to grow.. and just have a few seeds from each.. call it a day and be happy. Thanks for the info everybody, much appreciated

I have recently found excellent plants in Sensi's NL line. I think you will be very happy once you grow them out