Relationship Wall


Active Member
I just wanna know if I'm going a bit over board... I forsome reason feel a bit angered an sad inside... Everymonth my bf's parent will ask him to buy them cigs an toward the end of the month they ask everyday an he does.. 5 bucks a pack everyday.... He went to the store today asked if I wanted anything I said yeah sure(this is rare that I say yes) I said how about some chips and salsa(about) 5 bucks ..... He came home an gave me a snicker.. I said no chips am salsa ... No here a candy bar... An yeah I do love candy expectly snickers but is it wrong to feel angered that I didn't get chips an salsa??


Well-Known Member
idk maybe he thought u were being bitchy and chcolate will help i wouldnt worry i think ur overreaching just tell him next time u want the salsa and chips not a snickers


Active Member
listen fairyweed, I got the same prob with my dad askin me to get him cigs all the time or take him somewhere or whatever. . . but I always make sure that my wife knows she comes first . . . dont get me wrong, its cool he likes to take care of his folks, but they are grown ass people and they should take care of there own wants and needs, not rely on their son. . .


Active Member
Wow I feel the same way... When we lived with my dad my bf always came first... If he wanted some tree and didn't have the money I would do something for my dad (like wash his car or change his oil) but so I could get 15 for 2 bags for him.... An I thought I had a job but I haven't been able to get hired I'm not even getting interviews... So I have no income of my own so if I want things I have to ask him and I already feel bad for asking so when I got the snickers I didn't wanna make a deal about it cause I should just be happy I got somthing at all... I do just feel second.... And yes I did really want chips an salsa... My bday is on the 13th and I've been craving chips and salsa .... Huuu i'll just ask my dad to bring me chips an salsa then...


Active Member
Wow I feel the same way... When we lived with my dad my bf always came first... If he wanted some tree and didn't have the money I would do something for my dad (like wash his car or change his oil) but so I could get 15 for 2 bags for him.... An I thought I had a job but I haven't been able to get hired I'm not even getting interviews... So I have no income of my own so if I want things I have to ask him and I already feel bad for asking so when I got the snickers I didn't wanna make a deal about it cause I should just be happy I got somthing at all... I do just feel second.... And yes I did really want chips an salsa... My bday is on the 13th and I've been craving chips and salsa .... Huuu i'll just ask my dad to bring me chips an salsa then...
If he works, then you can take care of the cleaning and cooking at the house and that way you'll both be contributing to make ends meet in ya'lls life together. And just so you know I don't mean that in a sexist the woman should stay home while the man goes to work kinda thing. . . when the company I worked for laid off 500 people, I was one of them. So she worked and I cleaned house and cooked the meals, then I found a job and we shared the responsibilites, then she lost her job so she took over the house work. Now she has a job again so now the work load gets shared again. Dont be hard on yourself for wanting something extra, your BFs parents are adults and they should be able to make it on their own without relying on their son. And besides if ya'll have a one person income. . . ya'll cant afford to be taking care of them anyways!