
SWAT Slash

Active Member
Has anyone ever ordered from
• Marijuana Seeds, Cheap Cannabis Seeds (weed seeds) ??? They sell ALL their seeds for $30 US and that the cheapest ive found... And im low on money now after buying lights, equipmeant, etc so some cheap seeds would be a nice change.

I was thinking about trying the Top44 brand and like how they are fast growers. Anyone know if this is a reliable site or just a scam site?


Well-Known Member
Dude.........just use nirvana.

Everyone here is going to tell you to use the place they used and some are going to tell you that they got robbed from every place suggested.

Its your money and ultimately your risk but if you want to play the game you have to take the chance. You might get burned and you might make out like a bandit.


Well-Known Member
swat-im gettin da feelin its like jumpin in a pool for a seedbank. dont ask hows the water,just jump in and feel it out 4 urself


Well-Known Member
If your gonna grow something please don't grow top 44 lacks in flavor, and smell their are so many better strains for your money.