Remember Rolling Your First Joint/Blunt?


Well-Known Member
Who remembers when they first learned how to roll one up??

I remember my first time rolling a blunt I did shitty. Bout a week later i had rolling a blunt to an art. Im usually the only one outta the bunch that can roll a blunt and when theres someone else that can its time for a blunt rolling competition, hahaha!:joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
I rememeber the first time I rolled a blunt, it was a week after I smoked my first blunt, I said I saw how he did it I can do it... it was a dutch and I put the outside leaf inside, and inside leaf outside and it was all screwy and way too tight... I dont know when I got it down... but I started rolling worse latly... because I HATE ROLLING!!!

olly perry

Well-Known Member
i started rollin 1 skiners ok for bout 1 month
then started on blunts nd 3 skiners now im pretty sweet at it


Well-Known Member
your an old head FDD :P I'm just screwing around... you only feel old... when you FEEL old... and dangerouse. or somthing. man. you get what I'm saying? cuz I dont :P just remeeber. if you smoke ganja, edven if your 109, your young... because I said so


Well-Known Member
My first joint was sexy... But i was pretty young and didnt know how to smoke it hahaha!

Now i only roll up nice cones and only for a special occasion... like days that end in Y

I still prefer my bongs... Why do i have so many damn bongs?!


Well-Known Member
I pretty much onlt smoke blunts... joints if I have no blunt papers... and bongs if I have no joint papers... so why I have a ... ... wow... I never noticed I dont know how to spell droor drowr? (pronounced dr or)... you know... the thing you put cloths in... or in this case bongs... I feel like a retarted 5 year old :P


Well-Known Member
こんにちは Ohio you too!
see I'm japanes... no I'm not... but I'm in tokyo aparently ?

ahhh drawer... I wouldnt ever spell it like that :P I still can't believe I didn't know how to spell such a common word :(


Well-Known Member
hahaha dont worry bout it jus FUCKIT, hahahaha

i forgot how to spell "who" once... i was soo high trying to do an assignment and I couldn't spell "who" for the life of me.


Well-Known Member
Sitting by an empty pool in the midst of a bunch of trees, birds, etc.

Smoked really shite but it got the job done.


Active Member
I think smoking cigs got me started.. i started rolling my own for lack of money. .then discovered they tasted and smoked WAY better than manufactured chemical packed cigs. at first it was a task but now it's an art form for me.. nothing is nicer than rolling a beautiful smoke.. *buds or tobaccy* into a perfect cylinder by hand.. like shit.. i have worked hard to be able to roll just as well as a machine. it's a great thing man, and i take the rolling ritual as seriously as the smoking itself.. other than jay's i like bongs.. no pipes for me mate :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Remember it, a little hazy though. Was pretty decent seeing I had only rolled a couple of cigarettes using just normal writing paper before. But as skuns said, it really is great to be able to roll nice cigarettes/joints. I actually kind of hate those who roll with a machine :?