Remember when the like button first came out and i said i hated it?

Remember when We didnt have an annoying popup. I hate those things, especially on the TV. Fortunately here you can do away with it if you use Firefox and get the Adblock add in! bam its gone!


Well-Known Member
Your all 'like junkies' suffering withdrawals, give it up guys its over. They got rid of it because some people were liking too much and spoilt it for everyone.


Well-Known Member
The best part of all this is that even if they do give back the like button, I bet the likes themselves have been deleted, so all likes go back to 0.

I say we march!


Ursus marijanus
Your all 'like junkies' suffering withdrawals, give it up guys its over. They got rid of it because some people were liking too much and spoilt it for everyone.
How? And what are the rules on "too much"?
Imo Likes perform a useful feature ... they provide a gradation of feedback below the rather coarse mesh of the Rep "system", and the Notification aspect was truly useful. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member

Thank you for re-instating the Like feature.

I apologize if my passion was too much for anyone. I don't really care, though. I can be passionate. And you can judge me all you want.


Well-Known Member
Yay I was seriously about to loose interest without the like button. Like emotionally attached.

Lol the admins were altering the site for what was thought to be the better. Haha site down for a while to make the change, then nobody liked the changes so back to normal. Love it.