Reminescence Of The Beginning


Well-Known Member
I was just looking at my profile today and it occured to me how much i have evolved
since my beginnings in marijuana cultivation. I found several old pictures of my very
first two indoor plants that i grew with cfls and aquarium lights. I was way out of line
in my methods, but as i gained experience and knowledge i now have the ability and
means to grow some very fine herb. Those first few posts on this site, looking back
now, are actually pretty embarassing. What was i thinking at the time!? Who knows,
i was in still in highschool and probably stoned. Everyone has to start somewhere and
we should not be quick to judge people just starting out. We should instead
remember our first attempts at growing pot. I challenge anyone who is able to take
some time to go back and remember your beginnings in the great art of ganja
cultivation. If you can, look at any photos you may have taken or posted as well as
any threads or questions you posted and then compare to where you are now. Ah
the good times had on memory lane.......:joint:

The first grow posts:

The Subsequent grow post

and with each grow and each harvest i improved exponentially to the horticulturalist i am today.