Remote growing setup

Guerilla Kush

Active Member
I will be growing 4 plants at a remote location that I will be visiting once a week or once every two weeks.

Is there a setup/system that allows for week long periods of non-attendance? (My main concern is watering).
I was thinking some sort of hydroponics, but the hydro systems that I checked require daily maintenance.

Have you done something like that before? Share your experience.


Active Member
I would go soil if it is unattended that long. Right now with a 5gal bucket DWC, I have to top off my bucket with about 3/4 gallon every evening when I get home
due to evaporation/plant drinking. Can imagine how quickly that would turn bad if left for more than a day.


Well-Known Member
do you really think you can grow plants with only weekly maintenance? suppose a light breaks? suppose a timer fails? suppose the house burns down? soil grows require less attention. but you're still going to have to be there every second or third day.

Guerilla Kush

Active Member
Yeah, it looks like hydroponics will not work in this case.
In my experience, soil gets dry rather quickly too. Not sure if it can stay moist for a whole week.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it looks like hydroponics will not work in this case.
In my experience, soil gets dry rather quickly too. Not sure if it can stay moist for a whole week.
Build a gravity feed watering system. I did this for 2 outdoor plants in a remote area. A tote for a water res, hose timer and some irrigation hose.
(The bitch was hauling water to the site)

Is this a indoor grow? If so, use a water res. and pump on a timer.

Just some ideas.


Well-Known Member
You can make a slow drip system for each plant with just a little work a very little expense. For each plant get a 5 gallon bucket, a length of 1/4" aquarium tubing (black tubing works too), a connector fitting for the tubing, a drill bit THE SAME DIAMETER as the outside of the tubing and a sheetrock screw. Drill a hole through the side of the bucket near the bottom (1" or less) run the length of tubing through the hole, put the connector fitting on the inside of the bucket and pull it tight from the outside (this will create a watertight seal if you have chosen the correct drill bit size) the hose should be long enough for the bucket to be suspended from the ceiling (2 hooks INTO A JOIST set close together should hold the weight) or set up high on a sturdy platform reach your plant. place the sheetrock screw into the end of the tubing all the way (a good snug fit is important, it must be secure in the tubing and allow a bit of water to flow by when unscrewed) secure the tubing to your planter and fill the bucket. adjust the screw to allow a drip that will meet your needs. Good Luck, Larry