Remove seeds?


I put my seeds into a cup of water around 24 hrs. I soaked coco pellets the problem is they did not seem to plump up like the ones I have seen in many journals. They grew in size but. the hole in the middle never really did causing the seed to go deeper than I would like. Were they duds? What should I do?

I was thinking of leaving them in there 1-2 days, if they do not sprout out, carefully remove them and plant them into 3 gallon pots filled with coco coir and perlite.


bud bootlegger
i'd just leave them for like 10 days or so.. ime, if seeds don't sprout in about 10 days or so, they're not going to..

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
too much time in water will cause the seed to rot , fresh seeds don't need to soak that trick is for seed collecters that sit on seeds for years at a time


Sorry for any confusion I meant the coco pellet did not plump up as much as the ones I have seen in journals. The center hole stayed so, I did not push the seed in I just dropped it in. My fear is the the seed went in at an angle/to deep.


bud bootlegger
well, you've got pretty much two options as i see it, leave it be for a week or so, or pull them out and try another medium of your choice..

i don't really see one being a better option then the other though tbh, but hey, if you're nervous, pull them out and try and replant it in some soil and see what happens from there.. or, if you're the patient type, give them some more time and see what happens..


Well-Known Member
Certain medium materials resist moisture when extremely dry. Peat will do that. So perhaps that's what happened with your coco pucks. The cure is too add a drop of liquid ivory or something similar to the water. That acts as a wetting agent to allow the water to soak in. You could do that with some water and put it in a shallow tray filled maybe 1/2" and let the pucks sit in it for a short while to see if they "plump up". If least it's something you can try next time you use the starter pucks.