removing lower leaves


Active Member
is it good to remove to the lower leaves on the plants durning flowering to direct more engry to the bud sites.

the plants are 10 days in flowering stage now when is the best time or should i leave them alone


Well-Known Member
leaves act like solar panels so cutting them is not a good thing unless you absolutely have to. just tcuk the leaves behind bud sites or something. plus clipping leaves can cause stress and take away focus on the other parts of the plant


Well-Known Member
The only reason you would purpously cut the leafs of is around the bottom if you have a moistour problem. Cutting the leaves will allow extra airflow to help reduce a potential mold problem. But besides that it will just cause stress.


Well-Known Member
I remove the yellowed leaves when they can easily be pulled off... some do trim lower leaves to lollipop..etc..


depends, have you ever noticed removing a fan leave on one side, will make the bud stem on the opposite side bigger? (mostly in veg state) it is important to keep the healthy fan leaves for energy transfer. sites will slow development if removed.