rend pawl would ban all abortions, birth control.


Well-Known Member

if life begins at the moment of fertilization, then every single form of birth control is murder, since they all run the chance of preventing a fertilized egg from implanting.

Ban them?

LOL oh bucky, what media source told you this?

The bill does nothing except guarantee the 14th amendment to an unborn child. In no way does it have any repercussion on anyone who might abort, it even says so right in the language of the bill.."Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child."

This bill has no chance in hell of ever getting passed either, Sen Paul KNOWS this, the bill is nothing more than fodder for the die hard Christians that are a major component of Senator Paul's voting base.

You won't garner votes if you do NOTHING the voters voted you in to do in the first place. One term senators aren't effective.


Active Member
Ban them?

LOL oh bucky, what media source told you this?

The bill does nothing except guarantee the 14th amendment to an unborn child. In no way does it have any repercussion on anyone who might abort, it even says so right in the language of the bill.."Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child."

This bill has no chance in hell of ever getting passed either, Sen Paul KNOWS this, the bill is nothing more than fodder for the die hard Christians that are a major component of Senator Paul's voting base.

You won't garner votes if you do NOTHING the voters voted you in to do in the first place. One term senators aren't effective.
there you go using that pesky logic again.
just so i can be the first.
thats racist!


Well-Known Member
Ban them?

LOL oh bucky, what media source told you this?
you are retarded.

if life starts at the moment of fertilization, and birth control prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, then what has happened to thet "life"?

it has been extinguished. birth control is murder.

take a biology course.


Well-Known Member
At least "the body has a process of shutting it all down" and causing a woman not to become pregnant after she is raped. I'm glad the republicans could teach me that bit of knowledge.
Was that all or just the one idiot?

Do all dems think guam will tip over?


Active Member
At least "the body has a process of shutting it all down" and causing a woman not to become pregnant after she is raped. I'm glad the republicans could teach me that bit of knowledge.
that never happens cause they always want it.. dont even have to use spit.... give it to me big daddy....that turned out awkwardly like a pada post.