Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

Gotten so happy you posted that! I have a dresser that's all busted up I've been trying to figure out how to make into a cab! Awesome can't wait to see pics man and kids should always be first! Hope your having a lovely day!

Thanks rene

i just started a thread for it in grow journals if you want to check the progress of it out sometime

it will still be a while before its complete though

Dresser Grow Cab Build / New Grow
Boy...I CANNOT WAIT until I can test out some of my newly forming buds...but it's at least another month until I can even CONSIDER that....
It's so hard to buy enough weed to sustain 2 people...hell...I can barely sustain myself...
And whats worse...I FINALLY come up with the means to get some, and none of my 3 dealers are answering! >_<
Or...1 answered waiting on reup, other answered he's out at some poets open mic bs, and the other has yet to respond...
Bah...I just wanna get high!
Being sick suuuuucks!!
Well now too bad ya don't live closer I got plenty and you'd be more than welcome over long as you don't steal my shit lol just spent 45 minutes trying to keep myself from cutting a bud to sample lol
that sucks bro sorry to hear that
and i would match rene a blunt to smoke u out
hope u get better and get to smoke something

Boy...I CANNOT WAIT until I can test out some of my newly forming buds...but it's at least another month until I can even CONSIDER that....
It's so hard to buy enough weed to sustain 2 people...hell...I can barely sustain myself...
And whats worse...I FINALLY come up with the means to get some, and none of my 3 dealers are answering! >_<
Or...1 answered waiting on reup, other answered he's out at some poets open mic bs, and the other has yet to respond...
Bah...I just wanna get high!
Being sick suuuuucks!!
Oh, and here's a vid of my newly forming buds, and my veg room to go along with it (which is roaming, so it may not look the same next time, since it may be somewhere else :-P
Here's the vid for everyone
And here's the link for Rene
that sucks bro sorry to here that
and i would match rene a blunt to smoke u out
hope u get better and get to smoke something

I'm basically on my last bowl...but I can't enjoy it cause I know once it's gone, i'll be out. >_<
And thanks guys, s'nice of you to offer. There are DEF a few people on RIU (present company inculded) that I wouldn't mind smokin a bowl or 5 with. In about a month and a half, when my bud is finished!
no bro dont be sad enjoy that bowl and im sure if u got 4 dealers u will get meds tomm but i do hate that feeling of being down to the last bit but u got to make most of it

I'm basically on my last bowl...but I can't enjoy it cause I know once it's gone, i'll be out. >_<
And thanks guys, s'nice of you to offer. There are DEF a few people on RIU (present company inculded) that I wouldn't mind smokin a bowl or 5 with. In about a month and a half, when my bud is finished!
Oh, and here's a vid of my newly forming buds, and my veg room to go along with it (which is roaming, so it may not look the same next time, since it may be somewhere else :-P
Here's the vid for everyone
And here's the link for Rene

Wow, by far my longest video, and it shows off my Flower and Roaming Veg room. Meaning my veg room is wherever the temps are suitable, and the light is right. They bounce between my 400W HPS, 6 26W 6500°K CFL's in 2 reflectors, and THE SUN! Which I think is what's giving them such an edge and keeping the Vegging Master Kush growing so vibrantly!
hey bro lets move this party over to her rambles thread where the party is and bring that video

Wow, by far my longest video, and it shows off my Flower and Roaming Veg room. Meaning my veg room is wherever the temps are suitable, and the light is right. They bounce between my 400W HPS, 6 26W 6500°K CFL's in 2 reflectors, and THE SUN! Which I think is what's giving them such an edge and keeping the Vegging Master Kush growing so vibrantly!
no bro dont be sad enjoy that bowl and im sure if u got 4 dealers u will get meds tomm but i do hate that feeling of being down to the last bit but u got to make most of it

Indeed. It shouldn't be long.
But I suffer from severe Anxiety and ADHD. Although cannabis isn't prescribed for ADHD (at least not that i've heard), i've never found a better med for it. But I tend to type the exact same way I talk...and overthing and over analyze what i'm typing and saying...It tends to keep me from saying anything at all. But when medicated i'm able to function like a normal person...And tend to make everyone laugh.
bro i think everyone has that to some degree lol
i do
we all need to smoke the calming weed:joint:

Indeed. It shouldn't be long.
But I suffer from severe Anxiety and ADHD. Although cannabis isn't prescribed for ADHD (at least not that i've heard), i've never found a better med for it. But I tend to type the exact same way I talk...and overthing and over analyze what i'm typing and saying...It tends to keep me from saying anything at all. But when medicated i'm able to function like a normal person...And tend to make everyone laugh.
leave u alone loser i was here minding my own business so step the fuck off this thread u tried to jack it before and i will go to mods and get u banned u fuck with me
piss off:cuss:
update im not kidding step off go away

can u get a life,and stop following me around,really immature
i am not impressed by your performance.
leave me alone everybody else has so why cant you.
u talk badly of my friends then u bring problems
i stick by my friends and they stick by me
so step off here i wont allow u to fuck up thread
fuck with me i will be right behind u everytime u post
so bye or lets get it on

i dont want no problems ok just leave me alone plez
dude i posted on that dead ass thread the other day before i decided u were not even worth the effort

are u going to change that opinion ?
im game or u can just stay way the hell away from me and my friends when we post

dude u followed me in my own thread,dont act like u dont remember,this is my last time ill talk to u
i dont want to talk to u again
Dude, seriously...why U even bothering with this kid?

Just block him and ignore his ass. He'll get bored and go away when he understand he's not wanted here and never really was.