Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

another reason for the tell no one rule

he died beacuse marines lead by navy seals went to his hide out and shot him up. Hes a Gangsta for avoiding the U.S for 13 years, reason why he got caught is beacuse a snitch snitched his possible location and then the U.S investigated and found him. If it wasnt for that snitch he would still be alive :) haha
i hate ffof lol i threw my whole bag away cuz i was pist. waste of time n money

That's it fab find me an e slap! Peaceful wtf wrong with you lol I would have paid to have it shipped to me don't be wasteful! Ffof wasn't your problem kid! One you shouldn't have flushed it because that just makes it worse in my experience and 2 I've been growing with it for 2 years and had some beautiful plants and a 7'ft tree indoor my first grow got well over a lb on that one literally was wasting the shit I'm gonna say it wasn't the ffof it was operator error! Don't knock my ffof ;) and like I said don't be wasteful! :lol:
That's it fab find me an e slap! Peaceful wtf wrong with you lol I would have paid to have it shipped to me don't be wasteful! Ffof wasn't your problem kid! One you shouldn't have flushed it because that just makes it worse in my experience and 2 I've been growing with it for 2 years and had some beautiful plants and a 7'ft tree indoor my first grow got well over a lb on that one literally was wasting the shit I'm gonna said it wasn't the ffof it was operator error! Don't knock my ffof ;) and like I said don't be wasteful! :lol:

well u know i guess i was just one of those unlucky ones :/,some people in this thread told me to flush and like a dummy i listen'd,im just doing what i feel its good for my plants and i actually gotten some better improvements.
well u know i guess i was just one of those unlucky ones :/,some people in this thread told me to flush and like a dummy i listen'd,im just doing what i feel its good for my plants and i actually gotten some better improvements.

Yeah you probably were unlucky and man I'm just going off what you told me just seemed like you did way too much way to fast and now you are doing like I said sitting back and letting it have some time to heal ;) I'm happy to hear they are doing better awesome! And I bet you get those negative thoughts outta your head about ffof and you can grow in it well :) I even germ in it :lol: I'm doing the paper towel thing now and I think I like it again haha messed it up refused to germ that way told myself get over it do it again it will work and great results positive thinking man ;) oh and I named one gal betty I need another name!
Yeah you probably were unlucky and man I'm just going off what you told me just seemed like you did way too much way to fast and now you are doing like I said sitting back and letting it have some time to heal ;) I'm happy to hear they are doing better awesome! And I bet you get those negative thoughts outta your head about ffof and you can grow in it well :) I even germ in it :lol: I'm doing the paper towel thing now and I think I like it again haha messed it up refused to germ that way told myself get over it do it again it will work and great results positive thinking man ;) oh and I named one gal betty I need another name!

no i still dont like ffof,i used good water, no nutes so it was the soil,ppl in the forums are getting the same problem from ffof. They say the new bags they get smell funny and they growned with it before and didnt have problems, they also said its constant.
Paper towel method worked fantastic for me,put em in a ziplog bag placed em in my gucci shoe box and they cracked.
no i still dont like ffof,i used good water, no nutes so it was the soil,ppl in the forums are getting the same problem from ffof. They say the new bags they get smell funny and they growned with it before and didnt have problems, they also said its constant.
Paper towel method worked fantastic for me,put em in a ziplog bag placed em in my gucci shoe box and they cracked.

Hey the reason so many people have problems is everyone must find what works for them ;) expand you mind a bit kid I tend not to follow the trend so to speak do things different but it works for me others I'm sure it won't..
it was a prisoner in
Guantanamo Bay detention camp that snitched him out

yup correct,wow i tought i was the only one that knew haha, hes now in new jersey.the feeling i got is that al qaeda is going to get him killed and they are going to attack the U.S bad from the same people if they remain organize or a new leader will come in to al qaeda
Hey the reason so many people have problems is everyone must find what works for them ;) expand you mind a bit kid I tend not to follow the trend so to speak do things different but it works for me others I'm sure it won't..

yup snooks and this didnt work for me :/ oh well theres more soils out there ill use,next grow im going for led lights or my own hydro system that waters itself :) or maybe both
Lol bobby works! I have 2 big one betty and now bobby it seems :D thanks peaceful! Ok so we still need 3 more names! We have sam-6weeks since 12/12 kloe-will be 6weeks saturday...maria-veg almost a year old hehe betty,bobby, PJ (sams first cutting) 3 more clones to name and 5 seedlings
Lol bobby works! I have 2 big one betty and now bobby it seems :D thanks peaceful! Ok so we still need 3 more names! We have sam-6weeks since 12/12 kloe-will be 6weeks saturday...maria-veg almost a year old hehe betty,bobby, PJ (sams first cutting) 3 more clones to name and 5 seedlings
how many lights do you have and what type?
no i still dont like ffof,i used good water, no nutes so it was the soil,ppl in the forums are getting the same problem from ffof. They say the new bags they get smell funny and they growned with it before and didnt have problems, they also said its constant.
Paper towel method worked fantastic for me,put em in a ziplog bag placed em in my gucci shoe box and they cracked.

The flush WASN'T the problem. I've had problems with the soil being to strong for the younglings, and have flushed a number of times. But based on my memory of the event, you were commenting that the water wouldn't drain out of the bottom...THAT was your problem. I have no idea why it wouldn't drain, but if it had drained properly, and you had been able to remove the nutrients from the soil (which was the basic idea), then you would have been able to add them back in as needed. I had the same problem you did, except with MG soil, and the flush worked wonderfully.
I'm sorry if you feel that we, or more to the point, that I, misled you. You have to know that wasn't my intention in any way. But I wouldn't give up on FF due to one back experience. If that didn't work for you, try FFLW (Fox Farms: Light Warrior) It's more for plants that are just getting started, and allows you to add nutes later on as needed.
Of course, i'm sure whatever you decide to use, you'll still be able to grow in it, as cannabis is quite versatile, adaptable, and dynamic.