Renewable Energy + Battery Storage = Fossil Fuels Obsolete, Even Natural Gas


Well-Known Member
Steve Jobs is also touted as a great american, his sweat shops in china have suicide nets because the workers were throwing themselves off the roofs.


Well-Known Member
People still think Jobs was a brilliant computer geek and visionary, he didn't know shit about electronics, he was a capitalist and salesman, if you look at the way he treated his employees he was a tyrant that ruled through fear, quite trying to polish turds.


Well-Known Member
People still think Jobs was a brilliant computer geek and visionary, he didn't know shit about electronics, he was a capitalist and salesman, if you look at the way he treated his employees he was a tyrant that ruled through fear, quite trying to polish turds.
elon musk is not Steve jobs......


Well-Known Member
Yes, we need to get rid of fossil fuel use where possible but making a electric car does not make you a environmentalist.
Yes it does....
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An environmentalist is a supporter of the goals of the environmental movement, "a political and ethical movement that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through changes to environmentally harmful human activities".[1] An environmentalist is engaged in or believes in the philosophy of environmentalism.


Well-Known Member
Just because a businessman sees a opportunity in the market and tries to fill it, such as electric cars and solar panels doesn't make you a environmentalist. Being successful has nothing to do with how good of a person you are either.


Well-Known Member
This is why we had the star of "bedtime for bonzo" and "the apprentice" as presidents, hero worship without any substance.


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Tesla’s Full Stack Disruption
