Well due to the municipal codes where I am I can't have any mechanical in the front of my house and where the veg room is located leaves me either a really long lineset run to locate the condenser unit in the back. I just don't feel like doing that plus I already have two big 4 ton minisplit condensers back there and a third would look really odd lol. I am also building a new place and in a year or two I don't plant to be growing here anymore. Man tearing down this grow is not something I look forward to, I may just keep the place and rent it out to someone as a turn key setup.have you considered upgrading to a more efficient AC? the newer minisplits are super efficient
as i mentioned via email you'll be able to run your room at 85F with the LEDs which should reduce your load a little
No I have been busy with other things mostly.any updates cant wait to see what they can do
thats what i bought after pricing the t slot.Say bro not sure if you built your frame yet but don't go to any big box stores to find your 1x1 x 1/8 aluminum. Call your local steel and metal distribution centers. I just found 25ft sticks for $18.50 a pce