renting a property with a barn.


Active Member
I posted about it cuz i cant talk about it with anybodyelse. And i never said when i was doing it. Im just talkin. I might just use the barn to put sell used furniture out of or somthin. No laws are being broke so why not talk about it?


Well-Known Member
Yall are a bunch of pussies.i have a family member that did this same thing basicly and used the money to open a auto salvage yard.I have 20 acres of property and a clean record no way im going to jail. Evenif i did go to jail its totally woth the million a year i will be Pulling in with my 20 thosand watts.lifes too short not to go for broke faggots. Enjoy your bi weekly pay checks. Ps my friend just got out of fed lock up for growin 350 plants, he was gone for a year big fucking deal. I will take my chances.
Your record won't be clean for long with an attitude like that. I'm also flabbergasted you value your life that little to say a fucking year big deal.


Well-Known Member
insulate ur walls in the barn first and formost.... hopefully u got some land to work with a few acres atleast.... if u have enough land to were people cant hear the loud ass fans and blowers that u will need to cool/exhaust ur grow that's awesome... otherwise thers gonna be extra money needed for that... don't try and steal power... unless your not in a med state... then by all means steal power!!!! there gonna pop ur ass anyway might take a while longer if u steal power... and if you are in a med state just go get ur rec... even if you over on plant count more times then not it will save ur ass from prison...


Active Member
Some people work over 40 hours a week and just scrape by and dont enjoy their life that sounds worse to me then a year in jail for potentially more money then i will make in a lifetime of work. Dont judge me fucker!


Well-Known Member
This is a thread chok full of quality funny. If this guy is for real then he has a whole world of disillusionment and, most likely, a nice stretch of time in prison ahead of him.
He won't be saying big f ing deal when devo is raping his prison pocket a new one.


Well-Known Member
Yall are a bunch of pussies.i have a family member that did this same thing basicly and used the money to open a auto salvage yard.I have 20 acres of property and a clean record no way im going to jail. Evenif i did go to jail its totally woth the million a year i will be Pulling in with my 20 thosand watts.lifes too short not to go for broke faggots. Enjoy your bi weekly pay checks. Ps my friend just got out of fed lock up for growin 350 plants, he was gone for a year big fucking deal. I will take my chances.
lol you know how much money ur gonna need to have in order to construct and run a 20k watt grow!!!??? LMAo

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hahaha, brilliant, what a punk :D

I just love that you think you can pull off a million a year 20kw grow yet need advice on how to do it. Nothing wrong with big dreams, but there's also a thing called being realistic.

This thread is clearly spam. You're not a very troll it must be said.


Well-Known Member
Some people work over 40 hours a week and just scrape by and dont enjoy their life that sounds worse to me then a year in jail for potentially more money then i will make in a lifetime of work. Dont judge me fucker!
lol trust me... nobody is jjudgeing u....... I hope you got 30k or more saved up........ nice ream.... some of us actually living that dream in real life and know about what there talking about... is this the kind of life u want... it comes with huge risks potentially and u need st
art up money....


Active Member
Yea i have 20 acres. And surrounded by corn everywhere else and nobody knows where i live and i dont have friends to even brag about this to. So many people are growing weed in michigan its rediculas. I would never grow more the 50 plants either, just big fucking plants. And i am not even sure if want to do it


Well-Known Member
Yea i have 20 acres. And surrounded by corn everywhere else and nobody knows where i live and i dont have friends to even brag about this to. So many people are growing weed in michigan its rediculas. I would never grow more the 50 plants either, just big fucking plants. And i am not even sure if want to do it
yeah ur def. gonna have to insulate real well if u want to grow year round anywere in Michigan from new buffalo all the way up to lake superior.. and the further north u are the colder it will be... insulation and heaters even are a must for u.......

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight. You have no job or "stuff" yet you rented a 20 acre property and you don't even know if you'll grow, yet think if you don't grow you can easily cover your outgoings by selling used furniture from your barn. You sir are a winner! You should get a job in life coaching.


Active Member
I dont need to know how to do it asswipe. I know how too and i have access to all the equipment i would need already. I just wanted to see if anybody had somthing intelligent to add. U can all get fucked by the way with your negativity


Active Member
yeah ur def. gonna have to insulate real well if u want to grow year round anywere in Michigan from new buffalo all the way up to lake superior.. and the further north u are the colder it will be... insulation and heaters even are a must for u.......
Yea its insulated already


Active Member
Why does everybody keep assuming im broke lol? Lol jusg cuz u dont have deep pockets dont mean i dont in no way worried about "covering my outgoings"


Well-Known Member
go see the dr. and get ur rec. first.. then apply for caregiver.. if you have a clean record it will be ez to do.......... find 5 friends with there med cards to... just give them some weed or sell them some weed real cheap so they will sign u has there primary caregiver... u can grow 12 plants a peace for them plus 12 for urself=72 plants in full compliance with ur states laws... grow big ass bushy plants.. make the most of it... grow plants u will yield 5-7 ounces from..... be carful u will be waaaay over on weight limits... have someplace other then ur home/grow were u can store the overages


Well-Known Member
Im just askin but if your planning a mill a yr off 20000 watts, and you have been running 5000 watt grows for several years im assuming you have been making 250,000 a year for several years now so how much more do you need to open a bar or construction company and what could anyone on a forum tell you that you dont already know?