renting a property with a barn.


Active Member
go see the dr. and get ur rec. first.. then apply for caregiver.. if you have a clean record it will be ez to do.......... find 5 friends with there med cards to... just give them some weed or sell them some weed real cheap so they will sign u has there primary caregiver... u can grow 12 plants a peace for them plus 12 for urself=72 plants in full compliance with ur states laws... grow big ass bushy plants.. make the most of it... grow plants u will yield 5-7 ounces from..... be carful u will be waaaay over on weight limits... have someplace other then ur home/grow were u can store the overages
Like the in the woods prolly.sounds like a plan already a cargiver


Active Member
Im just askin but if your planning a mill a yr off 20000 watts, and you have been running 5000 watt grows for several years im assuming you have been making 250,000 a year for several years now so how much more do you need to open a bar or construction company and what could anyone on a forum tell you that you dont already know?
Yea i was robbed a couple times at my old house so not quite so much. I just cant talk about it with anybody else and i wanted to discuss it. :


Well-Known Member
ur gonna have to sell pounds out of state to people for 2500 -2800 a p depending how good it is, to make any real money... and there gonna turn around and make more money then u when u grew it and they just sold it depending on what state they sell it at :]


Active Member
ur gonna have to sell pounds out of state to people for 2500 -2800 a p depending how good it is, to make any real money... and there gonna turn around and make more money then u when u grew it and they just sold it depending on what state they sell it at :]
The dispensery pays me 4000 a pound for my nyc diesel


Well-Known Member
Some people work over 40 hours a week and just scrape by and dont enjoy their life that sounds worse to me then a year in jail for potentially more money then i will make in a lifetime of work. Dont judge me fucker!
The word here is "potentially" more money. How many people love their job. I know I don't. But the kind of shit your talking about is ludicrous. How are you going to pay this guy who rented to you. Landlords do check on their property. And guess what. He is going to have you working 40 hours a week for NOTHING.
You kid are delusional.


Active Member
He must have just watched the complete series of "weeds"..... " thats fuckin me homie, just call me Silas from now on"


Well-Known Member
I dig the idea, just not the way he wants to go about it. In my state its pills, seems like everyone has 10 people getting scripts filled for em, if I lived in a mmj state thats the way id do it, get cards for 10 people, sell to them for personal use at a discounted price, and grow legally. I dont conform to the system very often but when I can be 100% legal on paper, why fight it. Im not from there but if a P sells for that high of a price, id concider moving. lol


Active Member
I dont know whats so crazy about it.ive been growin so much weed for so long now it dosnt sound to bad. Its only a misterminor if you get growinf over your limit here. Unless you got 99+

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I dont know whats so crazy about it.ive been growin so much weed for so long now it dosnt sound to bad. Its only a misterminor if you get growinf over your limit here. Unless you got 99+
It's a great idea to grow medicine, but u started talking about strippers and lap dances and group sex. It just sounded a little dreamy that's all. But good luck to what ever path u choose.


Active Member
I just want to be epic guys... ya know epic weed barn epic strippers epic happiness. The cops will never see me cumming