REP+ 4 help.MG moisture control w/ nutes.


Active Member
i just got a bag of MG moisture control for about 4, four inch cups that i will be starting my seedlings in them, then transplating into maybe a bigger container once maybe a couple weeks old.

should i just miracle grow moisture control with no nutes not even bat guano, or worm castings mixed in soil?

any mixings that will help with MG moisture control for VEGATITIVE growth is greatly apprieciated and will award +rep for it.

im gunna use a bloom fert when i hit flowering..

thank you for feedback

for vegatitive is this all i need? this soil and water till pre flowering?


Active Member
bump i hear 45 days of plain water with MG moisture control potting mix, and then just hit with bat guano every 2 weeks after that.

which nutrient enriched guano doe?


Well-Known Member
Dont use any nutes at all while they are that young... especially with the MG. Also, it is really important that the cups have really good drainage. That should help a little to keep the MG from burning the plants. I made that mistake my first grow, and burnt my plants real badly. I dont know about bat guano at all, but once you transfer after a week or two, then I would definitely add the worm castings. I would imagine the plants would love it. Hope this helps man. Post some pics as they grow so we can watch them grow.


Active Member
Dont use any nutes at all while they are that young... especially with the MG. Also, it is really important that the cups have really good drainage. That should help a little to keep the MG from burning the plants. I made that mistake my first grow, and burnt my plants real badly. I dont know about bat guano at all, but once you transfer after a week or two, then I would definitely add the worm castings. I would imagine the plants would love it. Hope this helps man. Post some pics as they grow so we can watch them grow.
make worm casting tea or just mix worm castings in with the soil ill be using after 2-3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
make worm casting tea or just mix worm castings in with the soil ill be using after 2-3 weeks?
I guess either would work...I dont use them alot, bc they are kinda hard to find where I live. I have never done the worm casting tea so I dont know how effective it is. If you are moving your plant from the little cup to a bigger pot (which I would say just go stright to a 5-gal bucket or a other big pot if you plan to grow the plant big), then you can just mix the casting directly into the soil and the plant should love it.


Active Member
sounds like i got everything gunna stop by the nursery...

im thinking of using those 16 oz red cups and shud i just cut out the entire bottom maybe with sum holes on sides
or leave 3/4 of cup there with bottom 1/4 missing for root activity to flourish out


Well-Known Member
I start in 16 oz cups. Make sure they aren't clear if you plan to use them for a few weeks, algae can grow in the soil.

I poke a bunch of holes in the button with a tack.

Also, with MG make sure not to overwater or it will lead to major issues.

Be sure to use ph'd water! 6.3 - 6.5! If you are using tap water, let it sit out for 48 hours to evaporate the chlorine!


Well-Known Member
I start with those same cups...I usually cut about 6 or 7 holes in the bottom. This will give it good drainage. Just check your plants often enough until you can get a feel for how often they need watering. With those cups, if the top .5" of soil is really dry, they def need watering. Or, just notice the weight of the cup befoe you water, and when it feel that same weight, water it again. Hope all of this stuff helps man.


Active Member
i usually end up watering daily because of the 100+ degress lately, usually mist it every couple hrs during day to afraid of over-heat in this dieng heat


Active Member
I start in 16 oz cups. Make sure they aren't clear if you plan to use them for a few weeks, algae can grow in the soil.

I poke a bunch of holes in the button with a tack.

Also, with MG make sure not to overwater or it will lead to major issues.

Be sure to use ph'd water! 6.3 - 6.5! If you are using tap water, let it sit out for 48 hours to evaporate the chlorine!
its hard to over-water were i live bein like 100+ degrees for weeks now.

can i use the water out of fridge? i bein using that... dont have a ph tester


Well-Known Member
Well it is probably still just tap water...

Is it cold? You should really let the water cool to room temp.

You will shock you roots using cold water.

What is your grow setup like?


Active Member
outdoor? i use a root growth hormone of concentrarted Willow Vine juice, and a seedweed juice that i mix with water and water it sometimes with seaweed + little willow juice..... sumtimes mix seaweed in water and mist it on plants

yes the water is pretty cold from frig. shud i just let it cool down to room temperature in a dark closet or something tends to get lil hot sumtimes


Well-Known Member
its hard to over-water were i live bein like 100+ degrees for weeks now.

can i use the water out of fridge? i bein using that... dont have a ph tester
I use tap water. Many people say it isnt good, But it seems to do alright for me. If you arent trying to grow the biggest/strongest buds around, and just want some decent bud to smoke, then tap water should be alright.


Well-Known Member
Dont you not just have a sink that you can get some tap water from that isnt already so damn cold like from the fridge? That would be easier


Active Member
I will let it sit 48 hours to reduce ph before watering with it.....
I rly need invest in ph tester+ppm tester

any expeirence with misting? i bein doing this lately i think my plants like i notice a lil more growth than usual maybe that them picking up vigor not sure

wish i had camera take pics of the 1 bagseed im growing atm


Well-Known Member
...Letting the water sit out is to evaporate the chlorine...which has a small effect on ph at best...

I can pretty much guarentee that your water ph is too high. Just get some ph test strips and a bottle of lemon juice. Use the lemon juice at about 1 tsp per gallon when watering and it will lower your ph.

Of course you need to check and perhaps adjust the amount of lemon juice. The ph of our water is most likely not the same exactly :peace:


Active Member
think id be alright with next watering if i just let it sit out? or shud i try n get lemon juice... ill check on those ph strips next time im at nursery, they haave them at nursery right?

doesnt vinigear drop ph?


Well-Known Member
I imagine so....

As would battery acid...

Or stomach bile...

I would stick with lemon juice. You are gonna smoke this some day, after all...


Active Member
ok... u think nurserys carry ph strips or shud i check like home depot/walmart?

i got this giant super nursery in my town looks like a size of a walmart


Well-Known Member
Yeah you should be able to find them easily...

Let me make sure you understand though...letting the water sit out IS NOT for ph reasons....

Marijuana does not like chlorine, which is in tap water. Letting the tap water sit out allows the chlorine to evaporate and spares your plants from its negative affects.

The ph has to do, basically, with a plants ability to uptake nutrients properly from the soil. If the ph is off enough, the plants ability to uptake nutrients can be restricted, which can result in all sorts of issues, depending upon the situation. Its best to just take care and keep your ph stable and happy.

Make sense?