+REP for anyone who can successfully identify this pest...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
It doesnt really look like a bug type attack at all. Definately not a mite. A cat is a good guess though maybe a rabbit if it was outside. Only possible thing as far as insect I would say is a cattapillar but the way the missing parts are clean cuts and not small serrated bites I doubt that.


Well-Known Member
I'm camping out tonight with a green light. I will update and notify similar parties, with the same problem, of my findings.


Well-Known Member
NOTHING! No new damage and no show for whatever pest this is. Tonight is gonna be another long one. Standby. *Crunch*


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic, and look at what it's holding:

Would suspect this is your culprit, if you've ruled out the other suspects.. and also fits with why you didn't see it, if you get too close - they'll bolt up a tree and at night.. are gone from view so fast that they may be a blur.


Active Member
LOL!! Yep- I agree- most likely a chipmunk/squirrel... other possibility is crickets/grasshoppers- BUT: not usually this time of year... same with caterpillars/moths-- still a bit chilly out for them....