+rep for help with cloning


Well-Known Member
Well I misted the tub an hour ago and it's still only 80% humidity. I guess I'm just going to throw some caution to the wind and try some in dirt, I'll let you know how it goes.

I'll try growing in water in the dark some other time.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you've pretty much got it goin' on. If you have to do it again (or for other riu members) you might try www.Atlantishydroponics.com. They sell a complete cloning set up, including the light, for under $60 (minus heat pad -- but they have those too!). Not spamming here, just trying to help out. I bought a propogation set up from them and have had really good success so far with it. Some of their stuff (HPS lights especially --- go to www.HTGsupply.com for those) is a bit pricey, but their cloning stuff is very reasonable and the guys there are very helpful with questions/concerns.

And thanks to the other members here for their input! I'm a relative noobie to cloning also and I've found some really good information on this thread that I was unaware of. Damn I love this forum!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you've pretty much got it goin' on. If you have to do it again (or for other riu members) you might try www.Atlantishydroponics.com. They sell a complete cloning set up, including the light, for under $60 (minus heat pad -- but they have those too!). Not spamming here, just trying to help out. I bought a propogation set up from them and have had really good success so far with it. Some of their stuff (HPS lights especially --- go to www.HTGsupply.com for those) is a bit pricey, but their cloning stuff is very reasonable and the guys there are very helpful with questions/concerns.

And thanks to the other members here for their input! I'm a relative noobie to cloning also and I've found some really good information on this thread that I was unaware of. Damn I love this forum!!!!!
Thanks for the info +rep

I really hate cubes though so I'm trying to avoid a hydro cloning setup. I will check that place out for improvements to my setup when I get this harvest in and have some cash to play with.

HTG is actually where I bought my lights. Three 400w HIDs (1 MH & 2 HPSs) and I only paid about $320 delivered, great price. But the hoods suck so be prepared for heat problems. Still a good deal though, I'll upgrade the hoods on this harvest.

And I have to also say thanks again for everyone's help. I got so much help last night that the site wouldn't let me give +reps for a while. lol I had no idea there was a limit.

Check back in a few days if you want to know how 80 degrees & 80% humidity works on rooting, I'll post my results.


Well-Known Member
80 degrees on the rooting media with slightly reduced air temps returns better results when cloning because it limits chemical reaction in the leaves and meristem. Basically when you are cloning you are cutting off your new plant from its life source and forcing it to grow a new one. So cool slows death.


Well-Known Member
80 degrees on the rooting media with slightly reduced air temps returns better results when cloning because it limits chemical reaction in the leaves and meristem. Basically when you are cloning you are cutting off your new plant from its life source and forcing it to grow a new one. So cool slows death.

Thanks for the info +rep

I appreciate this info, it helps me remember things when I know the why as well as the what & how.

Right now I'm limited on money though, and a heating pad under plastic is a bad idea. So I'll have to wait till I get in this harvest to upgrade since a heating pad is the only way I can figure to get the medium warmer than the plant.

For now though, those pepsi domes seem to be doing the trick. I guess they're my saving grace because without the clones I'd have to start flowering my current grow next week, a full month early.

What I currently have in mind for the rooting station upgrade is fish tanks or flat glass platters of some kind, heating pads, fluoro tubes, and either pepsi domes in the tanks, saran wrap over tanks, or maybe some kind of glass dome over the platters. But I've noticed that plans change rapidly, so who knows. lol

Thanks again for the info though, it helps to know these things when trying to make future plans.


Well-Known Member
In my cloning area I use 3ft t5s 24 hours a day. I have my heating pad under my PP5 (PP5 is the shit as far as plastic goes look it up and you will see why use it exclusively as a plastic pretty much) trays that can hold about 50 plants each.

The tray which holds water and mild nutrients is warmed by the pad. There is a insert to the tray which supports the plants and media and keeps the rapid rooter plugs just above or barely incontact with the warmed water/nutes. From there I don't even cover to retain humidity.

One very important thing that is not stressed enough during cloning is leaf removal. If you remove the lid retaining humidity for a while certain plants will wilt. This wilting is usually a good sign that you should have really removed more leaf mass from the clone.

The larger the surface area of leaf per clone the higher the rate of evaporation which leads to water stress. When you are domed the humidity doesn't kill you but it is possible that it can be detrimental in that the plant is now photosynthesising too much and will not concentrate on establishing itself as a plant and continue to grow vegetatively.

I would recommend trying to cut off various amounts of leaf from the same mother so you can get a better understanding on exactly how much is enough and how much is too much.


Well-Known Member
You want the dome to be 72 degrees, and the medium to be 80..

You dont want the Leaves to be absorbing too much light,
There are no roots to take in nutrients to convert the light energy
into carbs and usable energy. So your more light theory is just too much.
And personally (not to discredit you) but i wouldnt accept too much info
with out that person having verifyable success.. Check my plants, all came
from my method of cloning
ok well why would the plant need to stay moist then? and the plant is still transpiring which means it must be photosynthesizing as well, i thought the main purpose of the humidity dome is to keep the humidity high to reduce transpiration and control a temperature, so i will agree to disagree on this one..and cfls are something i have alot of experience with and i used mh and hps and leds and all that... i only use 23 watt cfls so the heat they exert is not enough to brake the temperature goal i am trying to achieve

and every seed/ clone heat matt i have seen is designed to increase the ambient temperature inside the humidity dome 10-20 degrees above ambient room temperature.. how cold is your home? my home is always 70 degrees so that makes for 80-90 degrees in my dome, less then the temp on my lights...

and does horticulture go in depth into marijuana cultivation or are you basing your information upon other horticultural knowledge.