REP WARS! (Mindfuck!)


Well-Known Member
my eyes are seeing lines !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god damn u !

shit, realy i can still see em...


Well-Known Member
okay i saw the line one, on the right hand corner and tripped me out and the 2nd one says 666 or something but what the hell is the microsoft one? that a computer is taking over or something? because thats all i see and i'm paranoid now that i saw eagle eye loll


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1465494]lol no its microsoft and there is a mac computer[/quote]

oh shit i over analyzed and looked like a jack ass.

haha i gotcha i gotcha.

i'm bad at mind fucks.

i stared at one for 10 minutes trying to figure the fucker out and my boyfriend comes in and says what it is right away :finger: ass munch.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1466005]Here another haha :D[/quote]

umm theres a ladder thing on the ceiling? like alice and wonderland? if thats not it i'm stumped.:sad:


Well-Known Member
umm theres a ladder thing on the ceiling? like alice and wonderland? if thats not it i'm stumped.:sad:
aww idk why it didnt work, there a ghost thing that is supposed to jump out at you, maybe it didnt load all the way haha it scared the shit outa me :D


Well-Known Member
To SEFs pics. First one is a goatse, seconds is a vagina in the butter, third is her shirt says love and reversed it says hate


Well-Known Member
To SEFs pics. First one is a goatse, seconds is a vagina in the butter, third is her shirt says love and reversed it says hate
Wow you damn clever, wanna have a go at the granny one on the table, with possible false legs, and a curtain covered doorway, and also there is a creepy creature like that girl out of the ring, so ive been told, shouldn't take you long man


Well-Known Member
Honestly xmissxaliex, dont ask that question again, because i you will regret knowing the answer, honestly back away from the pc.


Well-Known Member
Here's some more:

Sorry, I had to post this one haha:

wow!!! thoes first two are really good!!! how did they get the pedobear to look brown?!?!?!? thats cool
the second one is just bugged out, I cant tell what it is but its fucking crazy to lak at... I'm really high... this amazes me...:bigjoint:[/quote]