

Well-Known Member
Good day,
I am a long time registered Colorado Medical Marijuana patient, and will be visiting the Phoenix area soon.

I contacted NORML, and they directed me to their web site showing Arizona to be a reciprocal state, and informed me that my legal Colorado registration would be honored by Arizona per state law.

Do any of you have any experience with reciprocity for licensed out of state patients? I could just bring something, but really wanted to see how things are in Arizona.

Please let me know when you get a chance - thank you,
You have to be an AZ patient in order to buy meds there. I just went to AZ and didn't have to hide my stash like I have to do when going to a non medical state. I just put a big joint in my "tube" and didn't even hide it from the TSA. Most of the time I have to roll pin joints and hide them in an emptied out Bic pen when traveling.
If you have your own dank from your state, bring it with you, AZ doesn't have enough good growers yet.
The state is flooded with unflushed, uncured and chopped early buds.
Thank you all so much for your help. I will probably bring my own to be safe, but try to check out what Az has going.

Good day all.....
AZ does recognize MMJ authorization from other states, the only stipulation is one cannot buy from an AZ dispensary. However, P2P is still in play and one would still enjoy all the protections of the AMMA as it relates to being legally able to possess 2.5 ounces of medical cannabis.
AZ does recognize MMJ authorization from other states, the only stipulation is one cannot buy from an AZ dispensary. However, P2P is still in play and one would still enjoy all the protections of the AMMA as it relates to being legally able to possess 2.5 ounces of medical cannabis.

I have always wondered if an Arizona caregiver can help a Cali patient with caregiver needs (growing). Only part a visiting patient can not partake in is purchasing from a dispensary. Every other aspect the visiting patient carries the same rights/immunities. So can an out of state patient have a caregiver in Az? Can patients from out of state join a collective grow op of patients/caregivers? Very interesting topic!
yes, AZ reciprocates other states MMJ laws. Colorado however does not allow you to buy unless you have a your red card
I have always wondered if an Arizona caregiver can help a Cali patient with caregiver needs (growing). Only part a visiting patient can not partake in is purchasing from a dispensary. Every other aspect the visiting patient carries the same rights/immunities. So can an out of state patient have a caregiver in Az? Can patients from out of state join a collective grow op of patients/caregivers? Very interesting topic!

Before a person can be officially deisgnated caregiver by the state, their patient must first submit paperwork to the dhs informing them who they want to have designated as their caregiver. I believe they have to provide their patient id from their state issued card as part of that paperwork. not positive but I think that's how it works, if so that would mean you couldn't be appointed caregiver to an out-of-state patient unless they also get an AZ patient id
The Hash/Concentrate issue has only recently been sort-of settled. There was a time when it was considered illegal and not covered under protection provided by the AMMA.

This is from the AZDHS Website / Medical Marijuana / Qualifiying Patients / FAQ: State law allows a visiting qualifying patient with a registry identification card or its equivalent, issued by the qualifying patient's home state, to possess or use marijuana. However, a visiting patient is not authorized to obtain marijuana from a dispensary because the dispensary is required in statute to access a verification system before dispensing marijuana.

It is also expressly written into the law itself.
To beleive the story is one thing...

There is no mention of a name... Odd every arrest mentioned in the paper is accompanied by the persons name! Why not this one?

I would say the writer went on a raze in the mist of a good story!!

There was no mention of the man being booked or charged... Its called Jargon mate! Read between the lines!

"Despite his protests, Evers "hooks him up" - puts him in handcuffs - and seats him in the special compartment in his Tahoe for prisoners. Behind a clear barrier, he can see Neo, riding in the back, but can't touch him. It's a long ride back to the Prescott jail on Gurley Street for booking."

Never mentioned a booking! Just the fact that it is a long ride to the jail! And the fact that the man was placed in cuffs and put in the back of the patrol car.!

"hooks him up" = cuffed aka detained and possible harassment & released with a court date!

Let the birds chatter!

Show me your sources.

He had a card. He went to jail.

It wasn't because he had hash, there are all manner of people on craigslist selling hash, oil, wax etc.

Absolutely nowhere in the law which passed was reciprocity mentioned, and ADHS can't change the law with

administrative rulings.[/QU

Are you brain dead dude obviously you havnt read the law but did you not read the article either . Not all jurisdictions recognize concentrates as legal. Prescott (Yavapai County)is one of them that charges you under the cannabis (extracts)=narcotics law. They are not 420 friendly and have a hard core D.A.....

Quote "The deputies find not only the marijuana but also hashish in the car, which the driver contends is legal in Colorado with a card. Evers tells him it's a felony to possess hashish in Arizona."

You should try to educate yourself a bit because if you continue too go through life using friends or the idiots on craigslist to form a what is legal
basis for doing things you might as well lube up your ass and get ready for prison its a matter of time.. If you don't lube up you better at least keep 10k on hand for a legal defense this will get you to trial if its not dropped first but you will probably need about 5-10k more for a felony trial and more again if you
need to appeal it. You could of course use a public defender and hope the DA and judge are not having a bad day...But just the same you better keep that lube handy.