Replacing ungrounded 2 prong outlet


Active Member
Yep... there's a lot of houses like that. Apparently places built before new regulations are often "grandfathered" in and don't have to abide by them.


New Member
Yep... there's a lot of houses like that. Apparently places built before new regulations are often "grandfathered" in and don't have to abide by them.
be very easy for someone to jack your power
hell they may even be growing on your dime
well first u need to find the breaker box
u cant do it yourself or have a electrician do it till then
is there a basement


Active Member
Here's two cool ways of mapping circuits in an apartment without access to the fuses/breakers... don't know why it took me so long to think of this.

I just took an air conditioner on a long, heavy gauge extension cord, and put the cord in various outlets... and walked around with a small table lamp. If the lamp flickered when the A/C's compressor kicked on, I knew it was on the same circuit.

Another method was using a power meter (used to measure the usage of appliances) and testing for a voltage drop when something was turned on - makes it easy to tell if two outlets are on the same circuit.

Unfortunately it turns out my apartment only has three circuits, and one of them is shared with other apartments. The power on that one blew out last night, hence having to map the circuits so I could make sure I could hook up the A/C etc. to new outlets without blowing out the power completely in my place. Today I noticed the A/C that was hooked up to the one that lost power was completely blocked up with ice, must've been at least a half inch thick. Never seen anything like it before... no idea if that somehow helped blow the fuse. Smells like burnt sesame oil in there a lot too, but I'm guessing that's the ghosts of some Chinese immigrants that once lived here.

I have two plans. One, keep that shared one loaded, so whoever else is using it learns that plugging in appliances on that circuit means lost power 100% of the time, hopefully causing them to give up. :bigjoint: The line voltage is consistent with no load right now so maybe they learned their lesson already. Two, hook up both of my air conditioners to the outlets in the kitchen via extension cords, and turn them off before turning on kitchen appliances such as the microwave or toaster oven. The fridge doesn't seem to use much power, so I don't think I'd blow any fuses. One A/C is 400w, the other 530w... both seem to be using about 400w though according to my power meter. The fridge seems to be using less than 100w. Peak power is usually 3x the running power on such things, but I'm guessing breakers/fuses are made to handle brief bursts like that.

Does anyone know if there's a way to set up an outlet, or power strip, or whatever so that I have a toggle switch that turns one outlet on and the other off, and vice versa? It'd be a nice way to ensure I didn't accidentally turn on the toaster oven while the A/C's are roaring.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
them immigrant apparitions can really b the best when it comes to mappin' circuits. Yes, on keepin 'shared' circ. full load. (neighbor may wonder..) it sounds like you are figuring it all out. oh A/C's need to be "off" / defrosted sometimes.. check em, efficient ones don't do it as much. this cld lead to burnin the motor up.. is it an old a/c?


Active Member
Yeah, it was the cheapest one Sears had, $100, and I got it 4 years ago. Cleaned it out a few months ago, the coils were so caked with dust and dirt that it was completely blocked, pressed into a thick grey sheet which tore off like paper.


Well-Known Member
The circuit needs to be off to change the outlet to 3'll need to ask your landlord/neighbor for access to the box.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Yum, a/c lint cake!
by november, I may know if this second genotype of 'cat' is a low smell strain. the other cataract kush that is finishing up (no cuttings were taken) looks frosty and dense, but w little to no smell. could b good for urban tents, the subtle turpines. think it's a la confidential x OG.