Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

As sprouts, I keep the lights about 2" over them. Once they're bonafide seedlings I raise it to 3 above the plants. I keep them about 4 inches higher for a month. Then they go under proper grow lights (=>1000w) and keep the lights 12 to 24 inches above.

I find t5s best at keeping them short. Normal fluorescent shop lights work great as well.
Having trouble finding floro shop lights locally and online. Where do you get them. NoN led lights
Having trouble finding floro shop lights locally and online. Where do you get them. NoN led lights
Get them anywhere. Home Depot, Amazon, AliExpress (if you don't mind waiting). Walk in to home Depot lighting section. Lots to choose from. Just the cheapest.
I'm having this exact same problem! I'm a first timer as well. I am using a 4ft T5 fluorescent that I placed about 4-5 inches above my seed trays. Now I have seedlings that are about 3" tall! Anyway, I'm planning to replant tomorrow into bigger pots for veg, so I will just be careful when transplanting and then cover the stems with loose soil up to the cotyeldon leaves. One question local hydro store thought I should start og nutes already in week 1 using pro organics line and I wonder if I should use plain water directly after transplanting or go ahead and use some more of my 1/4 strength nutes? I watered yesterday with plain water, today with nutes. Any thoughts?
don't overwater!
This is just to show you how easy it is to bury those long stretchy stems ,

After you replant them make sure you lower your lights so they wont continue to stretch

I do not have a pic of one of those seedlings with the long ass stem reaching for a light that's 2ft high

But i got this one that i internally let slightly stretch a little , you can see the slight stretch at the bottom of the stem

You do not want your soil wet when you do this

its best for the soil to be dry so the extra soil will come off the roots easier

After you take your plant out , GENTLY break lose the soil from around the roots

After you got the excess soil off the roots , put some soil back in the bottom of your cup or pot

you dont want to put your plant right in with the roots hitting the bottom of your cup because you dont want the chance for the roots to grow out the drain holes

so put some soil in the bottom first then put your seedling back in

position your seedling at desired height for your stem to be buried at

i would bury all the way up to the Cotyledon leaves ,

after your have replanted and buried your stem you can then give it just A LITTLE bit of water

the part of the stem that you buried will eventually start to grow roots

your plant will pretty much not go into shock at all from this

just make sure your gentle when your braking the lose soil off the roots

Like i said this is not a bad stretchy plant but the same principle applies with those long ass stretchy stems

hope this helps you all that has the long stretchy seedling stem problem

remember to lower your lights so they wont continue to stretch
Wow. Will do. Thank you!
When I germinate in little cups I only fill them half way at first... When the seedling starts to stretch out a bit I will finish filling the cup up. Seems to work so far. (I like the clear beer cups so I can see the roots to know when she needs to get a bigger home)
This sounds like a good idea
This is just to show you how easy it is to bury those long stretchy stems ,

After you replant them make sure you lower your lights so they wont continue to stretch

I do not have a pic of one of those seedlings with the long ass stem reaching for a light that's 2ft high

But i got this one that i internally let slightly stretch a little , you can see the slight stretch at the bottom of the stem

You do not want your soil wet when you do this

its best for the soil to be dry so the extra soil will come off the roots easier

After you take your plant out , GENTLY break lose the soil from around the roots

After you got the excess soil off the roots , put some soil back in the bottom of your cup or pot

you dont want to put your plant right in with the roots hitting the bottom of your cup because you dont want the chance for the roots to grow out the drain holes

so put some soil in the bottom first then put your seedling back in

position your seedling at desired height for your stem to be buried at

i would bury all the way up to the Cotyledon leaves ,

after your have replanted and buried your stem you can then give it just A LITTLE bit of water

the part of the stem that you buried will eventually start to grow roots

your plant will pretty much not go into shock at all from this

just make sure your gentle when your braking the lose soil off the roots

Like i said this is not a bad stretchy plant but the same principle applies with those long ass stretchy stems

hope this helps you all that has the long stretchy seedling stem problem

remember to lower your lights so they wont continue to stretch
Like this plan but
3.5 gallons of dirt to take plant out of and try to de-dirt. Heavy. Afraid of damaging it. Looking for more tips on how to perform this task. Thank you!
Yes just re plant them in the same pots you have them in now

and bury the stem all the up to those leaves .

Leave your seedlings in the pots they are in now

Let it build up a good root system first filling up the pot with her roots

then transplant into a bigger pot

Also you do not need to give any nutes to your young seedlings , i would wait till about the 3rd or 4th week then give a little nutes 1/2 strength


you are watering to much

you said you watered yesterday then again today ,

only water every few days after your soil starts getting dry
Hey brothers.. All this potting, re potting and re re potting is really bad for the plant and very unnecessary.. Jiffy tabs and peet pots are essential for ANY grow!
The detrimental combination of acids on your hands, harsh shock and then actually touching the roots or removing dirt.. No no no! You guys are stunting your plants from the start. Just like the final product, plants benefit from The less handling the better approach.. Especially when young!
(this does not refer to plant training)
Hey brothers.. All this potting, re potting and re re potting is really bad for the plant and very unnecessary.. Jiffy tabs and peet pots are essential for ANY grow!
The detrimental combination of acids on your hands, harsh shock and then actually touching the roots or removing dirt.. No no no! You guys are stunting your plants from the start. Just like the final product, plants benefit from The less handling the better approach.. Especially when young!
(this does not refer to plant training)
And, take care not to use too big a pot, even your babies need the oxygen that comes into the root zone as the media dries back, so, small pot, careful re-pot into slightly bigger pot and so on. If the water hangs around for more than a day or so - issues :/
So you can have more room to work with when your burring your stem and position it better

If you dont break the soil loose then wheres your room to re plant it

Unless your just transplanting in a bigger container then you just bury it when you add the extra soil for the bigger container

what does this benefit for the plants? i don't know much but I would assume its to save space as the plants grow?
Im not sure if this is the same with weed but tomatoes are intentionally buried this Way because it gives them a bigger root system