Well-Known Member
Excuse me, but clear cups work GREAT! All you have to do is to cut up an old sock into bands and then slip one over the bottom of the cup to coincide with the soil level. When the roots start to grow, you slide up the sock to see them -no guessing. The sock-band keeps light away from the roots otherwise…besides…you're not going to be leaving them in the clear cups long enough to cause any root loss. I know this because I've done it several times.
AND….As far as the OP's idea of taking them out and replanting them…here is a MUCh easier way to achieve the same thing:
You fill the cup only about 1/3 the way up with soil.
You plant your germinated seed as normal.
When the seedling comes up and stretches, you simply add some soil.
That's it.

There's no chance of shocking the plant. No chance of damaging delicate root hairs…You end up with a seedling that has its cotyledons just above the soil level.
AND….As far as the OP's idea of taking them out and replanting them…here is a MUCh easier way to achieve the same thing:
You fill the cup only about 1/3 the way up with soil.
You plant your germinated seed as normal.
When the seedling comes up and stretches, you simply add some soil.
That's it.

There's no chance of shocking the plant. No chance of damaging delicate root hairs…You end up with a seedling that has its cotyledons just above the soil level.