Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )


I’m new to growing and this is my first time here. I’m growing outdoors. In pots organic fabric ones.
It’s usually hot (11.5 hrs of sun)and my seedlings (3) got real lanky. I’ve just moved/replanted them to a better container like suggested.
Since I can’t move the sun (I’m in SE ASIA) what are my options?
a lot depends on the height you are able to grow in. I like canniboss idea best. start in cups and add soil if you have the room
a lot depends on the height you are able to grow in. I like canniboss idea best. start in cups and add soil if you have the room
Thank you.
I started it in paper cups and now have replanted them to a straw-like abaca container (organic/natural) the size of plastic solo cups
I can’t seem to get morning sun where I’m at and can’t really get grow lights if I wanted to.
Much appreciated my man ,

iv just observed to a significant number of those long stretchy seedlings and individuals inquiring as to why its doing that

so I figured I would simply begin a straightforward simple string ya know
Hmmm Thanks. I’ll try that.
I just saw this. I know this is 4 months too late, but it might help the next person whi hs this issue.

Few things I would do first...

1. I would make sure whatever you are growing in is draining appropriately. A lot of the stretching I've see has come from poor watering practices or poor drainage (different problems, same outcome). Yes, low light and poor quality light can be a problem. Where you are located, direct sunlight is more then enough though. So I would assume the stretching is either a watering problem, or just that strain being lanky.

2. Get them out of the smaller pots and into their final pots. There are a lot of ways to do this without destroying the root system that has been built so far, whatever that system looks like.

3. When you transplant, bury as much of the stem as possible so just the leaves are above soil. I like to remove any leaves from the stretched area that will be below the surface.

4. Water just around the base of the plant itself, do not soak the entire pot. You want to encourage the roots to seek out water. Keep them in direct sunlight and feed them whatever you have decided to use.

5. Once you see normal growth pick up, feed and water normally.

If this doesnt work, we have a different problem. Telling everyone here what you see, with high quality pictures, goes a long way to finding a solution.

Best of luck.
Hi guys! First time growing so not too sure what to expect. These are on day 7 - white widow autos. Should I fix the stretch or leave them? My research is conflicting for if you should bother with an auto.

Thank-you in advance!!

Serious yellowing on leaves, been using calmag at 3ml per 2 litres throughout. Do i need to apply more ???

Please help. Thank you

Serious yellowing on leaves, been using calmag at 3ml per 2 litres throughout. Do i need to apply more ???

Please help. Thank you
That's a good-quality photo. Show us one of the underside of the leaf, and I'll guess that we'll be able to see signs of spider mites. Little tiny black specks.
You are in the wrong thread for this problem though
Yeah, i think i post wrong place, and i hope someone can offer some help, i heard some buddies also said it probably the mites, anyway find way to deal with it . thx all the same .:P