Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

I was skeptical of nutes too but I have seen so many people start their grow in organic mixed medium. My medium (pro-mix) had nothing in it. So after a week I thought a teeny bit of organic wouldn't hurt. I will see how it goes and post pics as it grows.
But thanks for keeping me in check :)
Nice, I like the idea of burying stretchy stems. Smart.
I would like to add : of course roots will produce from that stem that you just buried. But, if you want to help that process, take a clean razor blade and make a few cuts in the section that'll be in the soil. Roots will come out of those cuts and this will give you a stronger root system starting at the top or middle of pot height (because all the older roots are at the bottom of the pot after burying).

what did you do with your codetlyn leaves or whatever they're called? first time just wonderin

It depends how bad the stretch is ,

their was one plant i had a few years ago i let get way to stretchy , so when i re planted it i buried the codetlyn leaves also

but if it not that bad the just right up to them like in the pic in the first post
Why shake the dirt out of the roots?
All that's going to do is stress out the tiny weak roots, completely replace the dirt that they have with the same dirt, and shake em' around.

Better to just put more dirt over, than to remove all their dirt.
I just feel like it's a silly step.

Also if you bury leaves, just peel them off first.
Thanks for the info! Mine has been stretched out to about the same size as yours in the picture and looks to be about the same age or so. I was told that my sungrow 150W HPS needs to be 2 feet above the plant to keep from cooking it. I cooked my first plant because it was too close to the light (8 or 10 inches). After I re-plant how low should i put my light? I am super worried about frying my plant again.
Why shake the dirt out of the roots?
All that's going to do is stress out the tiny weak roots, completely replace the dirt that they have with the same dirt, and shake em' around.

Better to just put more dirt over, than to remove all their dirt.
I just feel like it's a silly step.

Also if you bury leaves, just peel them off first.

Read post 12

how are you gonna put more dirt over the same little cup that its already in with out overflowing the pot with soil

you have to take it out in the first place to replace with new soil

but that's not the point

this thread is about burring those long stretchy stems in the SAME POT their already in and stop the stretching by lowering the lights afterwords

Not Transplanting to where you just add more soil to a bigger pot your putting it in

it would be a silly step if i was talking about transplanting but im not ,
Why not just wait until you transplant into bigger pots?
and then have the soil go up to the first set of leaves when you transplant.

Unless this is what you're doing, but it looks like you dug the plant out of its starter cup and replanted it in the same cup.
Why not just wait until you transplant into bigger pots?
and then have the soil go up to the first set of leaves when you transplant.

Unless this is what you're doing, but it looks like you dug the plant out of its starter cup and replanted it in the same cup.

oops wait are you only talking about those really long ones? like over 10 inches of tiny thin seedling stem? I thought you just mean an extra inch or two of stem
Im talking about those long stretchy stems

the names in the title

you dont need to transplant seedlings into bigger pots just to bury the stem

you just transplant once your roots fill up your pot

this is a VERY SIMPLE thread

i wish people would stop making it out like im doing more then what im talking about

im not telling people how to transplant and shit

this thread is just keeping it simple

ganjames , that comment was not directed towards you or anyone else
This sounds like a tomato post? Early nutrients causes stretch? When planting a tomato you sink it to the first big leaves, the stalk will grow roots. If the growth is between a branch and stalk it is a sucker on a tomato and sucks the nutrients away from the fruit to start a clone of the mother. Mother nature is way ahead of some of us. That is why I read this site people observing or pushing what works for them. Now to find the nutrient guru!
That is why I read this site people observing or pushing what works for them. Now to find the nutrient guru!

Im not pushing this method on anyone my man

im just giving a simple solution to help the people who have stretchy plants from their lights being to high , not from the nutes
If someone were to have a little bit of a bigger light, lets say a 1000w Hortilux HPS cause thier MH just blew... how do you put it much closer without frying them? Or do you just go back to start and put them back under flourescents??
If someone were to have a little bit of a bigger light, lets say a 1000w Hortilux HPS cause thier MH just blew... how do you put it much closer without frying them? Or do you just go back to start and put them back under flourescents??

Proper ventilation and air flow to help keep your cab cool

make sure you have more exhaust then you have intake

also if you got the room put a 6" clip on fan in your cab

Place it where its blowing right under your canopy but above your plants , you should be able to drop your hps more then

here is a pic of a dresser cab that i made

you can see the 2 fans up top i have for exhaust and 1 fan at the bottom for intake

and also the 6" clip on fan i have blowing under the canopy but above the plant

the hps is almost sitting right on top of her and the temp is 80 degrees

Granted its not a 1000w like yours but the same principle applies

the pic is not the best but you should be able to make out the 6" clip on fan and how is blowing under the canopy but above the plant


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this is a great thread. i found it funny how many people found ways to turn it into something other than what it is and then argue their point. it should help alot of noobs. i on the other hand made sure in the beginning that i did not have that prob. im using "cfl's" and i keepem close to promote bushyness. then i raise to promote stretch. its a win/win for me. anyway great post. and to all who dont understand but want to debate it. research more than try to argue. +rep
Okay so I have a 400w light and 4 plants currently only at day four. They have sprouted and are growing (currently about 10cm tall) but appear to be very skinny in terms of stem. The light is currently 3 feet above the plants as I want to avoid burning which seems to be an issue. Question is should I lower the light or maintain it whre it is and stop being a biatch. I am aware that this is not the best light for purpose but its the only one I have. Any advice is greatly apprciated.
3ft is to high imo ,

The lower you can put your light the better ,

You can use you hand to determine how close you can put your light ,

Just put your hand over the top of your plant , leave it their ( idk maybe 20 to 30 sec ) if its to hot for your hand then its to hot for your plants

If your hand feels comfortable / warm then your plants will be also ( which is good )

Good air ventilation helps alot also , ( see post 36 )
Nice Mr. G, I did try the hand thing last night but have still not shifted yet as only read this this morning. Reckon I can put it down to 18 inches and fill up the pots a little more to sturdy it up. Ventilation is quite good have a open window and a 12 inch fan.